Spontaneous Itinerary

10am start, Slade School of Fine Art
General Introductions/overview (incl. presentation by Peter Ride artec/channel)
PM all participants to give a brief presentation on their work, and the particular questions that they are asking.

half the group to Serious Games in the morning (Osmose booked at half hour intervals for each participant) other half practical participation/workshop at Slade's Electronic Media Studio
p.m. presentations;
Dr Angela Sasse - Human Computer Interface design (UCL)
Donne & Raby - architects, Dr Michael Recce, Neural robotics/cognition expert

other half of the group to Serious Games in the morning (Osmose booked at half hour intervals for each participant) other half practical participation/workshop at Slade's Electronic Media Studio
p.m. presentations; Jon Pettigrew - generative systems/sound/koan music. . Dr Peter Lunt psychologist

AM presentations BT Virtual Laboratories, Jon Thomson & Alison Craighead(artists.) Mel Slater (UCL Virtual Reality - to be confirmed)
PM. CUseeme conferencing with participants around the globe
6pm Jeff Instone seminar (in collaboration with Camerawork Gallery)

Pulling together ideas/questions/answers/website/action plans etc including practical work in the Slade's electronic media studio.

The week was facilitated by Susan Collins (head of electronic media at Slade); Jon Thomson (artist) and Rory Hamilton (artist). Helen Sloan, Volcano Productions (digital curator/writer) coordinated the documentation of the weeks debates/events/conclusions.

The seminar was made possible by a grant from the Arts Council of England (Live Art in Higher Education), and jointly conceived in consultation with Helen Sloan, Volcano Productions.