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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308371.
About the project
POLFREE explores drivers and barriers to resource efficiency and creates a vision for a resource efficient economy in Europe. Different policy mixes are proposed for achieving the resource efficient vision. Modelling results are used to construct different scenarios for decoupling and sustainable use of resources.
Research areas
The project looks into why resources have been used inefficiently, new concepts and paradigms for resources efficiency, the creation of a vision for a resource efficient economy and scenarios and modelling of policy implementation for resource efficiency.
POLFREE findings and reports are made publicly available and can be downloaded from this site. Please sign up to receive our newsletter with information about POLFREE past and forthcoming publications.
Summary of POLFREE Results
Various material, including interviews with key members of the consortium, descriptions and graphics of key results from the project, and Policy Briefs, may be found at the link above.
News and events
POLFREE's six monthly newsletter has just been sent to subscribers. See a copy here
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A number of workshops and dissemination events have been planned to present POLFREE findings and disseminate project results among a wide variety of actors, including industry, policy-makers and NGO’s in different Member States. Please sign up to receive our newsletter to be informed of past and forthcoming events.