
Online User registration


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Please wait while we process your request. This may take up to a minute.

Please Note: The UCL Student Information System is currently being upgraded.

While this work is taking place, you can't register or activate new OUR accounts. Please come back on Monday 7th December after 9am GMT to complete the process.

Activate your personal email address here
If you see the field above, please do not fill it in !
The password must be exactly 8 characters long and must contain at least 3 of the following (where at least 2 of these should contain a minimum of 2 characters of that type):
  • Lowercase characters
  • Uppercase characters
  • Digits
  • Special characters from this set % ^ * ( ) + - = ; , ? / & [ ] { }
Additionally, make sure that the password that you choose:
  • Does not contain your firstname or surname
  • Does not contain a sequence of letters found on a keyboard (ie. "qwer", "asdf")
  • Does not contain a dictionary word or a proper name
  • Does not contain a character that repeats itself more than 2 times
  • Contains at least 5 different characters