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Memphis: fragment of a stela: UC 14357

UC 14357, stela found at Memphis

The stela belongs to the 'good musician' Kheredankh. Her father was the 'greatest of directors of craftsmen' (this is the title of the high-priest of Ptah) Pasherienptah, who was the son of another high-priest of Ptah with the name Padibastet. There are two dates on the stela, that of the birth of Kheredankh, and that of her death: the first is year 17, second month of inundation, day 9 of Ptolemy XII, and the second is year nine of Cleopatra and Caesarion.

Willems/Clarysse 2000: 28, fig. 4, 145, cat. no. 1 (with further literature)

Translation (Reymond 1981: 209-210):

  1. ... the good musician Kheredankh ...
  2. 'greatest of the directors of craftsmen Padibastet, justified, regnal 17, 9th of Akhet under the Majesty, the king of Upper and Lower Egypt, the God Philopator Philadelphos, youthful Osiris, son of Ra Ptolemy (XII)
  3. this lord of fairness (and) duration (?). I have see the death (?). He commanded ...
  4. in it, My father, the greatest of the directors of craftsmen Pasherienptah son of the greatest of the directors of craftsmen Padibastet justified, placed me in the Western Land. He carried out for me all the burial rites ...
  5. ... there. I was laid to rest in his tomb beside his forefathers in year nine, 15th of Meshir , under the Majesty, the soveriegn, Lady of the two Lands Cleopatra ...
  6. and her son .... Caesarion. The cycle of (my) life upon the earth was 21 years and 29 days. I was welcomed .... He created for me the Hm-kA-priest
  7. ... upon the earth together with the revered offerings (for me) on the festival day of wag, the festival of Thot, the festival of Sokaris, the haker-festival (and) the lunar festival .... in the Western Land. He made for me the (status of the) noble in the royal mansion ...


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