Design properties

"The Great Beauty" of diversity
learning from Natural Diversity
Learning time
3 hours and 15 minutes
Designed time
3 hours and 15 minutes
Size of class
Diversity in Europe thanks to Immigration: Language class with an average (B1+) level aged between 17/19. They must have a basic biology knowledge. Interdisciplinary: science - English - Social science.
The course aims to raise students' awareness and help them develop effective strategies in debating and writing. They will show awareness of how vital diversity is for Europe's future, objective which can be reached thanks to immigration. The aims of the lesson are to improve students' critical thinking about the the vital importance of the diversity that immigration can bring just like biodiversity in nature. As well to recognize how beneficial immigration can be for Europe. Furthermore they will acquire specific language related to immigration. The various material supplied will teach them to take notes, read statistics and use the specific language to be able to discuss and write about immigration and diversity in Europe using specific language thus enriching their English.
Analysis, Compose, Argue
Derived from
"The Great Beauty" of diversity by Diversity

Timeline controls


Preparation: at home.
50 minutes)
  • Read Watch Listen
    Students watch two videos and read an article on biodiversity.
  • Read Watch Listen
    Student have to fill in a survey designed by the teacher with Google docs, where they will be asked specific questions about what they've watched and read but also to collect their opinions on biodiversity in society.
  • Practice
    This exercise is related to the article "Why Is Biodiversity Important? Who Cares?" formative assessment
Resources linked: 0
In class:
125 minutes)
  • Discuss
    The teacher shows the results of the survey on a Padlet and the students discuss their opinions.
  • Practice
    General quiz "Immigration leads to diversity"* created with Quizizz to test students' knowledge on immigration within Europe. *students insert quizizz code: 595479
  • Investigate
    Group work : teacher forms group based on the students' individual skills (4 or 5 depending on the total number of students). Each group can use the links and resources supplied or look up new information on immigration in Europe, supporting the concept of biodiversity applied to mankind. Each group will be assigned a particular aspect of the topic (brain-drain; looking for a job; seeking asylum; improving living condition). where students express their feelings and opinions on how immigration
  • Discuss
    Each group will be given 10 minutes to express their views and findings with a presentation: video, Power Point, Prezi, poster. Students will be evaluated using the following criteria; -how does the student select and identify pertinent information - how does the student use this information to classify, discuss and report/ -how has the student organized his/her work? -how has the student used the acquired information to express and or share his/her ideas or concepts? - how did the student justify his/her stand; argue,select, support, value. - has the student produced an original work?
this unit is also available on Moodle at this link:
Resources linked: 0
In class (listening)
20 minutes)
  • Read Watch Listen
    Student listen to a podcast and in class discuss the questions contained in the article: - How has immigration become an essential part of the EU? - What incentives should be made to encourage EU intra-mobility? - Why and how should we proceed to foster refugees' inclusion in the EU?
Resources linked: 0
Homework assignment: essay
0 minutes)
  • Produce
    Students will write (and upload on Moodle) a 250/300 word essay on the theme: " Species depend on each other... comment". In this essay they will have to explain why diversity is vital for Europe's future, speaking of the benefits of immigration, using the materials they have watched, the debates they held in their groups. the essays will be evaluated using a grid based on the Cambride B1 evaluation grid.
Resources linked: 0

Learning Experience

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