Cookie policy and cookie registry

We use cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience of this tool. Cookies help the tool remember you and what you are working on. Cookies also help us improve the tool by understanding which parts of the tool are being used the most.

In addition to the cookie policy and cookie registry by UCL, this is a full list of all cookies set by the Learning Designer:

Name Application Description Lifespan
PHP Session cookie (PHPSESSID) Learning Designer This cookie allows Learning Designer to remember you, so that you remain logged in, can view your designs etc. Session (This means that the cookie is deleted when you close your browser)
ld_cc Learning Designer Remembers that a user has hidden the cookie pop up Expires one year after the day you clicked to hide the cookie pop up.
is_unique We use StatCounter to have an anonymised snapshot of the latest usage of Learning Designer, as well as total hits. Five years after the cookie was first set. You can opt out of StatCounter. Read "Opting out of third-party cookies" below.
sc_is_visitor_unique We use StatCounter to have an anonymised snapshot of the usage of Learning Designer Two years after the cookie was first set. You can opt out of StatCounter. Read "Opting out of third-party cookies" below.
Google Analytics cookies (names usually start with _g) Google Analytics We use Google Analytics to measure the impact of the Learning Designer. Read "Opting out of third-party cookies" below to opt out from Google Analytics cookies.

Third party privacy policies

Here you will find direct links to privacy policies from companies we use to understand how you use Learning Designer, via analytics.

Google Analytics
Google privacy policy

Statcounter privacy policy

Opting out of third-party cookies

Here you will find direct links to opt out of cookies from third-party tools we use for analytics
Google Analytics
Google Analytics opt out

Refuse Analytics Cookies