Design properties
- Name
- ESPR Talks
- Topic
- Health and Healthy behaviors in youth
- Learning time
- 25 hours
- Designed time
- 24 hours
- Size of class
- 18
- Description
- (ESPR it´s the abbreviation of my school´s name, Escola Secundária Pinheiro e Rosa). This name is based on the famous TED Talks, and as Ted we focus to include talks on scientific, cultural, and academic topics, in the most innovative and engaging ways we can. Based on the contents of one of the disciplines that I and a collegue enrolled at this course (Ana Isabel Pinheiro) teach – Health - we intend to organize together with the students of the third and last year of the professional course of Health Care Assistant (we have this class 6 times a week), a set of debates, lectures, awareness sessions, workshops, informal talks. We wanted these sessions to be made by the students and taken to all (or almost all) of the school classes, since they address themes related to young peoples ‘health. We wanted it to be informal conversations among young people. Given that we are well aware that although students are well prepared, they may not have the scientific knowledge necessary to face and answer questions posed by an audience, we proposed that students could establish contact with official institutions in our city and ask for help with the construction and public presentation of their projects
- Aims
- Raise awerenes to some negative consequences resulting from the adoption of deviant behavior; Contribute to health promotion through the promotion of healthy lifestyles; Implementation of a project based on preventive actions; Identify the main warning signs of situations in the context of alcoholism, drug addiction, HIV-AIDS, and other infectious diseases, neglect, maltreatment and violence among young people; To train conscientious and proactive citizens; Define and identify circuits to respond to problematic situations;
- Outcomes
- Knowledge Students learn about healthy habits and not to adopt unhealthy lifestyles
- Comprehension students understand the negative impact on their lives due to the adoption of unhealthy behaviors;
- Application Students investigate situations in real life and apply what they have observed and understood in order to internalize a message and know how to transmit it to other young people;
- Evaluation Sudents evalute the real life situations, themselves and the others;
- Affective learning outcomes Students show awereness about risk behaviors and deviant lifestyles; Students are responsive to adoption of healthy behaviors and to become responsible and proactive citizens, involved in raising awereness;
- Editor
- ClaraAbegao
Timeline controls
Presentation of the theme(s) and construction of the working groups
60 minutes)
Read Watch Listen1018The teacher makes a global presentation about the discipline contents . The general topic is health related to vulnerable populations, and the themes/subtopics are alcoholism, drug addiction, HIV and other infectious diseases (Hepatitis), dating violence, and eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia).
Read Watch Listen2018Teacher asks students to watch some Youtube motivating videos about the themes, selected previously.
Discuss2018The teacher asks students to brainstorm and say what they think and what are their perceptions about the topics. Every student is asked to get involved and brainstorm. The all class acts like a single working group, because in this phase, students (and the teacher) start to have the perception of like minded students.
Produce1018With the use of a collaborative tool to define working groups made by like minded students, the teacher defines six working groups, based on the number of topics students were more motivated with. Or The teacher may allow students to make their own groups!
The teacher is present and directs the development of the activities;
Resources linked: 0
Hand in the task (1)
50 minutes)
Discuss3018The teacher invites the school nurse and the school psychologist to go to class and meet with students, in order to help them to start the working group. They inform students about institutions, non governamental and statal organizations, ..., that work in the field of health related to the themes they must discuss. All students are listening and asking questions.
Collaborate203Sudents, in working groups, meet the school nurse and the psychologist and take notes and listen for individual advice about the institutions that can provide help in their work.
The teacher is present but does not interfere with the student's activities, only if requested;
Teacher uses a rubric to assess the whole group;
Resources linked: 0
Hand in the task (2)
220 minutes)
Practice503Students call and send emails asking for meetings with the local institutions recommended by the nurse/psychologist, and ask for the schedule of an initial meeting in order to draw the final product. Each working group is supposed to bring up with a final product and to cooperate with a diferent local institution (this institution will help students during the construction of the final work and during the presentation to the school)
Produce503Each working group sketches a plan of what they want to be their final work, going through strategies of motivation, development, and no-formal assessment.
Collaborate1203Each working group meets with the institution, discuss the initial planning and define the best strategy for elaborating and disseminating the final product. They shedule an intermediate avaliation.
The teacher is present but does not interfere with the student's activities, only if requested;
Teacher uses a rubric to assess the whole group;
Resources linked: 0
Hand in the task (3)
1000 minutes)
Investigate2003Students investigate and made research regarding their themes. Students create a shared document (using Google Docs), to paste links and information that they have considered relevant to group work.
Read Watch Listen1203Students read information and listen to musics, documentaries, videoclips regarding their themes.
Collaborate2403Students collaborate and made research regarding their themes.
Discuss1203Taking into account all the information gathered up to that moment, students discuss what information they should use for the construction of the final project.
Produce2003Students produce the final products to use in dissemination of the ESPR Talks, the oral presentation and the non formal assessment. Students decide wath tool to use: "Canvas" to build posters they will later put on the shcool walls; "Biteable" to make an introductory/ motivational video; "Emaze", "PowToon", "AdobeSpark", "", to make the final presentation; "Kahoot" and "Quizlet" to make an informal assessment to the other classes that will be present during the ESPR Talk.
Read Watch Listen203Teacher asks students to do self-assessment and peer-to-peer assessment (during the all work, at the end of each week, each student makes his/her self-assessment)
Practice1003Each working group has the final meeting with the institution collaborating with them, and receive the final feed-back. Teacher communicates with the institutions to receive an informal assessment about her students.
The teacher is present but does not interfere with the student's activities, only if requested;
Teacher uses a rubric to assess the group members;
Resources linked: 0
ESPR Talk - final presentation
110 minutes)
Practice1003Each working group (according to a schedule previously defined with the class) along with the institution that accompanied them in the construction of the final project, makes an oral presentation in the school auditorium. The school's director will be present to start the cycle of lectures and worshops "ESPR-Talks"
Collaborate103The teacher asks the Institution to provide for a non-informal assessment of the working group they accompanied. After the presentation, the teacher meets with the working group and makes the summative assessment.
The teacher is present in order to ensure that students in other classes do not interfere in the performance of their students, after all it is a moment of great stress!!
Resources linked: 0
Learning Experience
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