Design properties
- Name
- How can I travel to the world
- Topic
- Geography , maths , language , arts ,history
- Learning time
- Designed time
- 12 hours and 25 minutes
- Size of class
- 15
- Description
- Is a Project about the means of transport,land, sea and air
- Aims
- Books , leaflets, maps , websites ,
- Outcomes
- Knowledge Learning the ways to travel , the history of trasportation , geography , arts , language, maths .
- Editor
- AthinaParoussi
Timeline controls
Basic question .
How can I travel to the world ?
80 minutes)
Discuss4515Is a first discuss with the pupils , for investigate what the already know abour the transports . A first view at the map , and how we can travel .
Read Watch Listen15A first touch with all the pupils , with the means of transports , at the air , at the sea , at the air
Collaborate2015I create a 3 groups , 5 pupils at group , 1 group will shearch information for the transportation at the air ,2nd group for the transportation at the see, and the last group for the transportation to the earth . I will make the groups with the lelp of teamup .
The age of my studens is 5-6 years old
Resources linked: 0
questions for the groups
45 minutes)
Discuss1515How can I go from Greece to Australia ? Why ? How can I go fron Greece to France ? Why ? How many hours I need for each travel ? If I travel by the ship , airplane or car ? Who was the transportation , and the means 100 yaers ago ? Who is the most anchiend way to travel ? How was the first cars , ships , airpalanes ? Which is the faster way ? If we are travel angencies how we could promote our sevices to the community ? for airplanes ? Bus or train ? Ship ? If we have a group of tourist of 10 , 50 , 100 , 200 peoples , which means of transport we will propose , for a travel ? What is the cheapest way to travel for a certain distance ? What are the dificulties we could find at the travels with airplanes , ships , car , bus , train ?
Collaborate30Each group colllaporate for the answears such time , and decide who to promote the means of transport that each group have .
The questions will be given step by step to each group , and for diferents topics .
Resources linked: 0
History ,
How was the transportation a 100 years ago ?
120 minutes)
Collaborate305Each group search at websites , and books the ways of transoportation , with cars , ships , trains a 100 years ago . they discuss what they see and decide what and how will annonce the result of their shearch in the class . Teacher go to each group only for help the pupils to find at the websites the informations , cause they can't write and read by themselves , we are in a kindergarden. so theacher have to ask the pupils what to write at google search for helping them find the informatios they need
Read Watch Listen305Each group see images , short videos at youtube , and web sites , for the transports a 100 years ago .
Discuss155Each group , discuss , how they will annonce the information that they found
Produce305Each group create a little book , with images and informations about the question , how was the transportation a 100 years ago , and make a presentation to the class . Each member of the group have a role different from the others . 1 chose the images 2 chose which image go first and which secont and so on 3 make the book 4 drqawing a picture and writing a title for the book 5 make the presentation
Read Watch Listen1515All the class see , and listen the results
the same work is for every group , 5 pupils at the group , for different trasportation means
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How can I go from my country to another in Europe ?
How can I make a long travel ?From my coyntry toAustalia ?
Is possible to use any transoportation means for each travel ?
95 minutes)
Investigate305Each group have the opporunity to look at the maps , Find where is Europe , Australia , Greece , How far is such place from Greece , If is possible to make the travel , by plane , ship, car , train , bus and so on The teacher support each group to find where such place is .
Collaborate205Each group collaporate in this investigation .
Discuss105Each group discuss , after investigation , if its possible to make every travel with , ships , cars or trains , and why . And decide how the will make de presantation of this investigation to the class
Produce205Each group produce a map of the proposal travel and make the presentation of the investigation at the class
Read Watch Listen1515All the class see , and listen the results
the same work is for every group , 5 pupils at the group , for different trasportation means
Resources linked: 0
How many hours I need for each travel ? If I travel by the ship , airplane or car ?
105 minutes)
Investigate305In this question the teacher help each group with the calculator . Each group try to find the speed of each transportation means , and the kilometres of the travel , they can use internet for this information and finaly try to find a way to calculate the necessary time for a travel , The point here is to help pupils understand that the time of a travel depand fron the kilomemetres and the speed
Collaborate30Each group collaporate in this investigation .
Produce105Each group produce a board , with the kilometres , speed , and time that they found during the investigation
Read Watch Listen1515All the class see , and listen the results
Collaborate2015All groups make a board , with the results of each group for the question speed -time by car or train by ship by plane compare the results and find the relation between speed and time distance and time
the same work is for every group , 5 pupils at the group , for different trasportation means
Resources linked: 0
If we are travel angencies how we could promote our sevices to the community ?
for airplanes ?
210 minutes)
Read Watch Listen1515The class see leaflets from travel agencies , and how we can promote a travel , by car , bus , train , ship and airplane .
Discuss155Each group discuss how they can create a poster , for promoting a travel 1 . by car , bus or train 2 , by ship 3 , by airplane
Collaborate155Each group collaporate in this discuss
Investigate305Each group search in books , websites , leaflets , for photos that they could use in their poster . The teacher help the groups for searching to the websites
Collaborate305Each group collaporate in this investigation
Produce455Each group create a poster , who promote the travel 1 . by car , bus or train 2 , by ship 3 , by airplane
Collaborate455Each group collaporate for this 90
Read Watch Listen1515All the class see the poster of each group
the same work is for every group , 5 pupils at the group , for different trasportation means
Resources linked: 0
90 minutes)
Collaborate9015All groups together create a padlet , about the project , with images , and every thing they learn , during this project , the teacher help them in the parts of the padlet where they need to write
There are many others ideas and things to learn in a project like this . Is a project based in collaporation .
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Learning Experience
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