Alexander Fraser

No Dates


The will of Alexander Fraser of Kingston, Gent. was proved in Jamaica 20/02/1783. In it, created a trust for Rachael Fraser, a free black woman, and his four reputed "mulatto" children Sarah, Alexander Ross, Ann and George Fraser. The children were also to receive his furniture.

Alexander Fraser of Kingston, gentleman. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1783. Slave-ownership at probate: 24 of whom 13 were listed as male and 11 as female. 0 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £3530.78 Jamaican currency of which £1260 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £0 currency cash, £1469.8 currency debts and £69 currency plate.


LOS 49 f. 160.

Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

We are grateful to Daniel Livesay for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Inventories (1)