James Hill

No Dates


The will of James Hill was proved in Jamaica 26/01/1775. "I give and bequeath unto Frances Dawkins a free molattoe Woman the Sum of twenty pounds a year during her life time... [All rest and residue?] I give and bequith unto my two reputed children John Hill and Walter Hill, the sons of the above named Frances Dawking, and to my nephew Moddie, the son of my sister Mary to them Share and share alike... And it is my request if my Estate will admit that they may be immediately Sent home [I'm guessing that means Britain] to the care of Mr. Broddie, for their Education, and then be put to Such Trades or Emploments as they may seem calculated for or their Inclinations may leed them."

James Hill of Clarendon, shopkeeper. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1775. Slave-ownership at probate: 2 of whom 2 were listed as male and 0 as female. 0 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £4452.27 Jamaican currency of which £130 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £166.53 currency cash, £3041.81 currency debts and £0 currency plate.


LOS 42 f. 77.

Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

We are grateful to Daniel Livesay for his assistance with this entry.

Further Information


Inventories (1)