Catherine Haughton

No Dates


Catherine Haughton owned a pen and 52 enslaved people in St James in 1774.

Catherine Haughton of St James, widow. Estate probated in Jamaica in 1775. Slave-ownership at probate: 37 of whom 20 were listed as male and 17 as female. 0 were listed as boys, girls or children. Total value of estate at probate: £14385.13 Jamaican currency of which £2815 currency was the value of enslaved people. Estate valuation included £0 currency cash, £11239.28 currency debts and £20 currency plate.

The will of Catherine Haughton of St. James, Widow was proved in Jamaica 22/06/1775.


'A List of landholders in the Island of Jamaica together with the number of acres each person possessed taken from the quit rent books in the year 1754', TNA CO 142/31 transcribed at; 'Inhabitants of the parish of St James, September 1774' from the Long papers held at the British Museum, transcribed at

Trevor Burnard, Database of Jamaican inventories, 1674-1784.

LOS 42.

We are grateful to Daniel Livesay for his assistance with this entry.

Inventories (1)