
UCL Faculty of Laws


Vision and Strategy

Our vision for the next five to ten years is that of a premier, world-leading law Faculty, recognised as such in the UK, in Europe, and throughout the world.

Windows in Bentham House in the corridor joining the two buildings together

A premier law Faculty means one which recruits top-level students, both nationally and globally, and at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels – and which offers those students an outstanding education. This should not only prepare them for a range of different professions or activities in which law plays a role, but should also enrich them as inquisitive, critical and highly skilled individuals who espouse and advocate the intellectual and ethical values which law embodies.

A premier law Faculty must also have the ambition to educate the next generation of legal academics, through an outstanding PhD programme – which we look to expand further.

Our vision is of a Faculty which puts cutting-edge research in law and its diverse manifestations at the centre of its activities, including its teaching. It is focused on research that matters in the world of today, where the role of law is ever more significant in tackling global challenges. It is research which is not only cutting edge within the four corners of law as an academic discipline, but also jumps outside those corners by making full use of the inter- and cross-disciplinarity which are UCL’s trade mark.

Our vision is also one of a Faculty which offers a diverse, inclusive and deeply non-discriminatory home for both staff and students – competitive as well as caring to achieve excellence and to allow all its members to flourish. A faculty determined to understand and overcome the barriers to access education and to promote equality of opportunity regardless of family circumstance, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation or disability. A faculty committed to reshaping the legal landscape and building a fairer world.

It is London’s global Faculty of laws: outward-looking to its core, with a deep and pervasive interest in “laws” (plural) – those also of other jurisdictions and international and European law (notwithstanding Brexit). It is a Faculty which pursues international research collaboration with other outstanding institutions; which enables its students to study abroad and has highly selective dual-degree programmes; and which nurtures a global network of alumni.

It is a Faculty which makes the most of its London location – one of the world’s top legal capitals – by having strong links with governmental and non-governmental organisations and with the practice of law in all its forms. It is an externally engaged Faculty, an open house which offers access to all kinds of audiences interested in its work and in learning and debating.

It is, not least, a Faculty which espouses a strong social mission and a set of values centred around the concept of justice: particularly the rule of law, the protection of human rights, and constitutional democracy. Values which, in the current populist age, are not to be taken for granted.