
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


New programmes put UCL at the forefront of digital media education, production and critical studies

29 October 2018

Three new programme routes at the UCL Institute of Education will provide cutting-edge research and teaching to explore the growth and possibilities of digital media.

Man and woman looking at mobile phones

Based on the highly successful Digital Media, Culture and Education MA, students in 2019-20 will be able to follow their own interests through three routes in the MA Digital Media: Critical Studies, Education, and Production. 

“The new route structure offers students the chance to follow their own path appropriate to their needs during the studies,” says acting programme leader, Dr John Potter. 

The decision was also based on a growing demand for programmes which explore the theory and practice of media in society and new possibilities in the digital age. According to Dr Potter, “the expansion of (student) numbers on the past few years suggests that these named awards will be helpful for students seeking to embark on a range of careers or enhancement to their existing ones after study.”

The programmes are supported by enhanced partnerships with the UCL Knowledge Lab, British Film Institute and Digital Arts Research in Education (DARE) research centre, which offer students innovative teaching, direct research experience and studio and industry practice. 

A new Future Media studio is also being built, equipped for the programmes with computer suites, performance space and sound recording facilities. This studio will expand the UCL Knowledge Lab, a well-recognised research centre whose mission is to understand and develop digital technologies to support and transform education.

The MA Digital Media: Education route will benefit from an enhanced partnership with the British Film Institute and bursaries for teachers. This route will equip students with the skills, knowledge and understanding of media education and media literacy in the digital age, and for careers in media education in colleges, schools, community settings, and education-related media industries.

The MA Digital Media: Production route, which will allow students with intermediate to advanced practice-based skills to extend those in a structured and stimulating studio-based environment. It will equip students to progress in a broad range of careers within the creative industries, the museums, libraries and galleries sector, and media education.

The MA Digital Media: Critical Studies route explores digital media in relation to questions of culture, politics, and representation. This route incorporates interactive teaching and resources at the UCL Knowledge Lab and DARE research centre to equip students to investigate the developments and impact of digital media, practices and texts.

Prospective students interested in one of the three routes within MA Digital Media are encouraged to visit the relevant programme page to identify and explore their area of interest.
