
Information Studies


Madiareni Sulaiman

Madiareni Sulaiman
Madiareni Sulaiman (Reni) is a Research Data Librarian at the National Agency for Research and Innovation (BRIN), Republic of Indonesia. She is particularly interested in how research data management can support open science in the research and innovation ecosystem. She manages the National Scientific Repository in Indonesia (RIN Dataverse, rin.brin.go.id) and has extensive experience providing research support for various research projects. She is also one of the 22 International Fellows for Emerging International Voices, a Goethe Institut and IFLA joint program for young information professionals. She received research grants about open government data from the National Library of Indonesia and a short course regarding data governance from the Australia Awards. She is also one of Indonesia's member representatives on the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science. She is currently a PhD candidate in Information Studies at University College London, UK, with a focus on Research Data Management. She can be reached through Twitter and LinkedIn.


Thesis Title:

Immersive Research Data Management Services in Academic and Research Libraries: Interprofessional Collaboration Practice in Data Librarianship to Support Scholarly Communication for Open Science

With the emergence of the radical concept of immersive research data management services (RDMS), librarians have evolved as critical contributors in assisting researchers with the management of their research data. RDMS, which typically take the form of consultation and technical assistance, are becoming increasingly team-oriented and collaborative. Unfortunately, it does not always coincide with librarians' recognition of scholarly outputs like articles and data sets. Funders and scholarly publications, however, offer a means for researchers working in collaboration to recognize all actors involved, considering the growing concern for open science and FAIR data. It would be necessary to determine if librarians who provide innovative research support services, such as immersive RDMS, are recognized. This is because, even though some studies cover the roles and practices of collaborative librarians in RDM, the immersive level of service has not yet been explored, including how interprofessional collaboration practice is conducted in data librarianship. The proposed research aims to develop a conceptual framework of interprofessional collaboration practices (IPCP) in data librarianship that facilitates a broader understanding of the data librarian role within immersive research data management services (RDMS) in academic and research libraries (ARL) to support scholarly communication for open science using a sequential mixed-method approach.


DR Alison Hicks (https://profiles.ucl.ac.uk/61844-alison-hicks)

DR Charles Inskip (https://profiles.ucl.ac.uk/39836-charles-inskip)

Academic Background:

BHum in Library Science, University of Indonesia

MSc in Library Science, City University of London

Active Member in Professional Associations:

International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), International Council of Museum (ICOM), Research Data Alliance (RDA), International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST), Association for Information Science and Technology (ASSIST), Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA), Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) Asia, UNESCO Open Science Working Groups, Re3data Working Group, Goethe Institut, Forum Perpustakaan Khusus Indonesia (FPKI), Ikatan Pustakawan Indonesia (IPI), Ikatan Sarjana Ilmu Perpustakaan dan Informasi Indonesia (ISIPII), Doctrine UK

Guest lecturer about RDM in some Indonesian universities:

Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Padjajaran, Universitas Telkom, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Universitas YARSI, Universitas Pasundan, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Universitas Mataram

Journal reviewer:

Media Pustakawan (2685-3396) and Librarianship in Muslim Societies (2961-8339)

Journal editor:

BACA: Jurnal Dokumentasi dan Informasi (2301-8593)


Work email: madiareni.sulaiman@ucl.ac.uk

Personal email: madiareni.sulaiman@gmail.com / madiareni.sulaiman@brin.go.id

Personal Website: https://madiareni.wordpress.com/about

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madiareni

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/renies

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/madiareni

Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.co.id/citations?user=EwFfdE4AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

ORCID: http://www.orcid.org/0000-0002-5853-6727

Doctrine UK: https://www.doctrineuk.org/researchers/madiareni-sulaiman/

UCL Profile : https://profiles.ucl.ac.uk/90015-madiareni-sulaiman