Corpus Refs:Macalister/1945:201
Discovery:first mentioned, 1838 Abell
History:Gippert/Web, 197, states that the stone was discovered in 1838 acting as one of the lintels of a souterrain, the so called `cave of Dunloe', situated `in the demesne of Dunloe Castle'. The site was first visited by `Mr. Abell, of Cork' who `on that occasion took copies of such of the inscriptions as were then accessible. After that, it was inspected by J. Windele `and a party of antiquaries from Cork'; Brash saw the spot in the autumn of 1869.

The site was visited on (Sept.?) 15, 1884 by the members of the RSAI under the guidance of A. Hill. The group could not enter the souterrain to `read those portions of the Oghams on the upper edges of the stones which form the roof, and which have never yet been published'. A sketch of the arrangement of the lintel stones was produced, however, after the `careful measurement by Mr. Ringrose Atkins', at that time.

Some time before 1945 the stones were arranged in a small enclosure near the entrance to the Gap of Dunloe, together with the stone from Kilbonane.

Geology:Macalister/1945, 193: `close-grained shale'.
Dimensions:1.3 x 0.46 x 0.11 (converted from Macalister/1945)
Setting:in display
Location:on site
Gippert/Web, 197, shows the stone on display in an enclosure at the site.
Condition:complete , poor
Macalister/1945, 193: `before being laid in the cave it had suffered serious injury. A slab, 3/4 ins. thick, had been split from all but a few inches of the bottom of the inscribed face'.
Decorations:no other decoration



COOLM/5/1     Pictures


Macalister, R.A.S. (1945):--]MC[--]GE[--] ||| M ||| [--]Q[--] ||| [--]D[--]E
--]MC[--]GE[--]M [--]Q[--]D[--]E
Macalister/1945 195--196 reading only


Orientation:vertical up along down
Position:n/a ; arris ; n/a ; undecorated
Date: - (McManus/1991)
McManus/1991, 79, argues for a 'late' date for those inscriptions, like this one, which use the X-forfid with the vocalic value of /e/.
Language:Indeterminate (ogham)
Ling. Notes:none
Palaeography:See McManus/1991, 79 for discussion of the supplementary character X here used for vocalic /e/. Compare this to the use of the same letter for K in COOLM/1.
Macalister/1945, 193: `before being laid in the cave it had suffered serious injury. A slab, 3/4 ins. thick, had been split from all but a few inches of the bottom of the inscribed face, carrying away all the vowels and all scores on the B-surface. In consequence, nothing was left of the inscription...but the distal ends of the scores on the H-surface'.

Gippert/Web, 201: `No reading is attempted. Although the existing scores on the (dexter) angle are quite clear, they seem not to form part of an inscription. There is no indication whatsoever that the frontal surface was split off by a secondary flake. The scores on the top and on the sinister angle as read by Macalister and indicated in his draft cannot be ascertained'.

Carving errors:0

