On Hippocrates On the Nature of Man

translated by W. J. Lewis, with the assistance of J. A. Beach

Suggestions for Further Reading

Prepared by
Santiago J. Rubio Fernaz
Thesaurus Linguae Graecae
University of California, Irvine

This translation


Part 1

Part 2

Further Reading

B. Alexanderson, "Bemerkungen zu Galens Comm. nat. hom., Comm. acut., De temperamentis und De placitis," Eranos 68 (1970) 61-75.

J. Barnes, "Galen and the utility of logic," Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 32 (1993) 33-52.

A. Debru, "Galien commentateur d'Hippocrate: le canon hippocratique," in Hippocrate et son héritage, (Lyon: Fondation Marcel Mérieux, 1987).

L. García Ballester, "El hipocratismo de Galeno," Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Historia de la Medicina 8 (1968) 22-28.

G. Harig, J. Kollesch, "Galen und Hippocrates," in La Collection hippocratique et son rôle dans l'histoire de la médecine, (Leiden, 1975) pp. 257-274.

G. E. R. Lloyd, "Galen on Hellenistics and Hippocrateans: contemporary battles and past authorities," Sudhoffs Archiv: Zeitschrift für Wissenschaftsgeschichte 32 (1993) 125-143.

D. Manetti, A. Roselli, "Galeno commentatore di Ippocrate," Aufstieg und Niedergang der römischen Welt, 2.37.2 (1994) 1529-1635, 2071-2080.

P. Manuli, "Lo stile del commento. Galeno e la tradizione ippocratica," in La scienza ellenistica, (Naples, 1984) pp. 375-394.

M. T. May, "On translating Galen," Journal of the History of Medicine and allied Sciences 25 (1970) 168-176.

R. E. Siegel, Galen on sense perception. His doctrines, observations and experiments on vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch and pain, and their historical sources (Basel, 1970).

R. E. Siegel, Galen's system of physiology and medicine (Basel, 1975).

I. Sluiter, "The embarrassment of imperfection: Galen's assessment of Hippocrates' linguistic merits," Clio Medica 28 (1995) 519-535.

W. D. Smith, The hippocratic tradition (Ithaca and London, 1979).

[Up] Posted 2/1/98; © 1998; last revised 2/1/98. Send suggestions and comments to Lee T. Pearcy, lpearcy@ea.pvt.k12.pa.us.