
Richardson Lab outing to Thames barrier, October 2003

[back]  Huiliang Li - Matthew Grist - Kathryn Gregory - Raquel Taveira-Marques  - Ulla Dennehy - Sue Claxton - Sue Richardson - Bill Richardson - Marcus Fruttiger

[front]  Marta Garcia del Barrio - Nicoletta Kessaris - Nathalie Billon - Reshma Nanjappa - Nigel Pringle

(lab members in bold)

current lab members:

Huiliang Li  postdoc (zebrafish - with Hazel Smith and WDR) (MRC)

Nicoletta Kessaris postdoc (Wellcome Trust)

Nigel Pringle postdoc (MRC)

Nathalie Billon postdoc (Wellcome Trust)

Francoise Jamen postdoc (EU Marie Curie Fellow)

Marta Garcia del Barrio  postdoc (MRC)

Matthew Grist research assistant (MRC)

Palma Iannarelli research assistant/PhD student (MRC)

Ulla Dennehy transgenic facility manager (Wellcome Trust)

Sue Claxton research assistant (MRC)

Matthew Fogarty  PhD student (Wellcome Trust)

Nina Callard  PhD student (Welcome Trust)

Helen Wise PhD student (BBSRC-Eisai Pharmaceuticals)

Ana Mora PhD student (zebrafish - with Hazel Smith and WDR) (BBSRC-GlaxoSmithKline)

Raquel Taveira-Marques PhD student (Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia)

Lisbeth Flores-Garcia PhD student (CONACYT, Mexico)


Some of our lab enjoying the sites at a meeting in Athens, Greece 1998:

[left to right] Marcus Fruttiger - Nigel Pringle - Paul van Heyningen (now at DEFRA: Dept of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) - Sun Tao (now postdoc with Chris Walsh, Boston) - Bill Richardson

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