Neal Skipper
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Neal Skipper (CMMP) - Research

Our research interests mainly concern the properties of liquids, glasses, interfaces and intercalated materials. This research involves a variety of experimental and computational techniques, including neutron and X-ray scattering, and classical Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics. Examples of some of our current research projects are given below.

Electronic Solutions

Electronic Solutions are formed when a metal dissolves in a polar solvent without chemical reaction, the prototypical solvent being liquid ammonia. This process reversibly releases excess electrons into the liquid, creating a solution of fundamental particles! The presence of these electrons results in liquids that are truly extraordinary, and which have a unique combination of properties which are yet to be exploited. For example; very low density, very low viscosity, a deep pseudoeutectic (giving the lowest temperature liquid metals), a concentration driven metal-nonmetal transition, liquid-liquid phase separation, highly conducting glassy phases, high electrical conductivity, and exceptionally high redox reactivity.
Our recent neutron and X-ray scattering experiments on these liquids have illucidated the structure and dynamics of these extraordinary liquids, including the solvation of the electron (polaraons and bipolarons) and the mechanisms of electron delocalisation. In addition, we have used these liquids as solvents for carbon nanostructures (fullerides) - and shown how C60 is solvated.

Hydrogen Storage

For fuel cells to successfully reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the hydrogen used as fuel needs to be derived from non-polluting renewable sources. We are currently investigating novel carbon-based materials for reversible hydrogen storage, hopefully up to and above the 6% by weight required by the automobile industry.

Superconducting Graphite Intercalates

Low dimensionality is generally considered as a necessary ingredient for high superconducting transition temperatures. Surprisingly, perhaps, systems based on graphite have received relatively little attention in this context. Introducing metal atoms between the carbon layers can tune the interlayer spacing and charging of the graphite host through a variety of electronic ground states. One such ground state is superconductivity3, which is not present in pure graphite. Here we report the discovery of superconductivity in the intercalation compounds C6Yb and C6Ca, with transition temperatures of 6.5 and 11.5 K, respectively. These critical temperatures are unprecedented in graphitic systems and have not been explained by a simple phonon mechanism for the superconductivity. This discovery has already stimulated several proposals for the superconducting mechanism that range from coupling by way of the intercalant phonons through to acoustic plasmons. It also points towards the potential of superconductivity in systems such as carbon nanotubes.

Confined Organic Molecules

Understanding and controlling the way in which organic molecules diffuse through nanometer scale pores is a key problem in environmental science, and in locating and extracting natural gas and oil from the ground. We are currently using a combination of neutron scattering and computer modelling to study the diffusion of simple organic molecules, such as methanol, phenol and glycol, are able to diffuse through porous media, under sub-surface conditions.

Clay Hydrates

Swelling 2:1 clays, such as smectite and vermiculite, are widespread in soils and sedimentary rocks, and have a number of important industrial uses. They comprise negatively charged mica-like sheets, which are held together by charge balancing cations, such as Ca2+ and Na+. It is these cations which have a strong tendency to solvate in the presence of water and polar solvents, thereby forcing the clay sheets apart. Once expanded, the interlayer pores of clays can accommodate a variety of solute species, including alcohols, alkanes and organic contaminants. The interlayer pores of swelling 2:1 clays are therefore an ideal environment in which to study confined fluids, and are the site of many important hydrological and petrological processes. These include the diagenetic reactions which are a major source of water in the earth’s crust, ion exchange in soils and sedimentary rocks, and primary and tertiary migration of petroleum hydrocarbons. In addition, the hydration and dehydration of expandable clays is a continuing problem for the construction, waste containment and oil-well drilling industries. To understand and predict these processes we require a detailed knowledge of clay-fluid interactions, under sedimentary basin conditions.
London Centre for Nanotechnology (LCN) - © Arthur Lovell 2005

Fulleride in Ammonia - © Chris Howard 2004

Fractal Li-Ammonia Solution - © Arthur Lovell & Helen Hanlon 2004

Laponite Clay - © Raul de Carvalho 2001

Colour of Solvated Electrons - © Neal Skipper 2004

Ternary Graphite Intercalate - © Gary Martin 2003

ILL and ESRF, Grenoble - © Jonathan Wasse 2003

CaC6 - © Mark Ellerby 2005

University College London - Department of Physics and Astronomy - Gower Street - London - WC1E 6BT - Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 7155 - Copyright © 1999-2005 UCL

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