


Rice weed surveys, Orissa 2011

Prof. Kajale surveying a rice field for weeds

Professor Kajale conducting a survey for rice weeds in an irrigated rice field.

Prof. Kajale, Dr. Behera and Tosobanta Pradhan in the jungle

Prof. Kajale, Dr. Behera and Tosobanta Pradhan in an area of wild rice found in a jungle clearing. This clearing was created by wild pigs and buffalo, who may also have seeded the rice.

Eleanor Kingwell-Banham surveying a patch of wild rice.

Eleanor Kingwell-Banham in the middle of surveying a patch of wild Oryza nivara for weed species.

Prof. Mohanty examining freshly cut bundles of wild rice for weeds

Prof. Mohanty examining a freshly cut bundle of wild rice for weeds. This was cut as fodder for the animals at Sambalpur Zoo.

A herdsman showing off his rice straw hat.

Aside from rice cultivation systems we're also interested in the practical uses of rice, like using the straw to make hats. This herdsman told us that he gets through 2 hats a year.