
Research Integrity


Your Responsibilities

This Code applies to all those conducting research at or in the name of UCL, regardless of the source of funding.  

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It is expected that all staff (including honorary staff), students, visitors and collaborators involved in research activities are aware of and adhere to the principles and responsibilities contained within the Code. 

 For the purpose of this Code, ‘Researcher' is defined as any person involved in research including, UCL students or staff, honorary staff, affiliate academics and visiting researchers. This definition includes anyone performing activities that support the ‘disciplined inquiry that aims to contribute to a body of knowledge or theory’ and would include technical or other professional staff directly engaged in the research activity themselves or on behalf of the academic staff. 

Please see below information about Your Responsibilities

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Individual Responsibilities

Personal responsibilities of researchers at all levels of their career 

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Throughout the research lifecycle

Specific expectations and requirements for the different stages of the life cycle of a research project 

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When reviewing, evaluating and editing

Responsibilities related to undertaking editor roles and participating in peer review activities 

Page updated: April 2023