
UCL Department of Risk and Disaster Reduction


New UCL-IRDR & CNDS network established: call for researchers working on disasters-related topics across UCL

30 November 2015

The Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction at UCL is promoting and improving collaboration with the Center for Natural Disaster Science (CNDS) in Sweden.

CNDS Photo The CNDS includes brings together several organisations including Uppsala University, Karlstad University and Swedish Defense College. Two postgraduate students initiated the collaboration last year and it has resulted in a visit to Sweden (funded by the Uppsala Forum grant) and a student-led doctoral workshop on Disaster Research last June at UCL. The workshop had thirty-two attendees, mixed between academics and students, coming from several departments at UCL and CNDS. A summary of the topics discussed can be found here. We intend to expand our network to anyone, either student or senior academic, who is working on disaster-related topics across UCL departments. This collaboration is cross-disciplinary and its aim is to develop a better understanding of how to reduce the impacts of disasters. To achieve this goal, we believe it is crucial to establish a collaboration and partnership between researchers coming from a range of disciplines and research institutes based in different countries.

We have created an email list and Linkedin Group (Search for UCL-IRDR & CNDS network for disaster research) to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas.

If you are interested to join this newly established network, please email serena.tagliacozzo.13@ucl.ac.uk or gianluca.pescaroli.14@ucl.ac.uk