


Information for participants

Thank you for your interest in the QuEST Project.  Below you will find further information about role of staff participants in our study. 

Why am I being asked to take part?

You have been asked to participate because you currently work in supported accommodation in one of the areas where we are carrying out our study.

What are the benefits of being involved?

There are some significant benefits of being involved in the QuEST Project.  You will have the opportunity to:

  • Discuss the good things about supported accommodation as well as the things you find more difficult
  • Reflect on ways of working with service users
  • Help us develop an understanding of how services can be improved

In spite of these benefits, you are under no obligation to participate in the project and can withdraw from the study at any time without any impact on your current or future employment.

What will be expected of me?

If you are willing to take part in the project, one of our researchers (Sima, Joanna or Peter) will first ask you to read a participant information sheet for the relevant workpackage.  You will then have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.  If you are willing to proceed, you will then be asked to sign a consent form to confirm your participation.

Workpackage 1

If you agree to be involved in the first part of workpackage 1 you will be invited to attend one of the focus groups to review the Quality Indicator for Rehabilitative Care (QuIRC).  During the focus group one of our researchers will ask you about the QuIRC and how you think it could be adapted for use in supported accommodation.  There will be approximately 4-6 other staff participants in the focus group - some of whom may be known to you and others who may have come from other supported housing facilities.  It is expected that the focus groups will last 1-2 hours.

If you agree to be involved in the second part of workpackage 1, two of our researchers will visit you and ask you to complete the amended QuIRC.  This will allow us to check to see if the new version is clear.  The visit should last about 45 minutes.

Workpackage 2

If you agree to be involved in workpackage 2, your participation will differ depending on your role.  If you are a manager, you will meet with one of the researchers for approximately 45 minutes so that they can collect information about the service and you can complete the amended QuIRC.  If you are a keyworker or support worker you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about one of the service users.  The questionnaire will ask about the service user's abilities, needs and any particular difficulties they might have.  Before we speak with you we will have obtained permission from the service user to collect this information.  The questionnaire should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

You will also be asked to agree to provide further information on the service user (with their permission) in 30 months' time so that we can determine how service users are doing and whether they have moved on to more independent accommodation.  We will contact you by phone to provide this information and the conversation should take approximately 10 minutes.

Workpackage 3

If you agree to be involved in workpackage 3, you will be asked to take part in an interview with one of the researchers.  During the interview you will be asked to discuss some of the positive aspects of supported accommodation and some of the things that are less helpful.  The interview should take approximately 45 minutes.

Workpackage 4

If you agree to be involved in workpackage 4, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire about one of your service users and their abilities, needs and any specific difficulties they may have.  Before we speak with you we will have obtained permission from the service user to collect this information.  You will also be asked to agree to provide further information on the service user (with their permission) in 12 months' time so that we can determine how service users are doing and whether they have moved on to more independent accommodation.

Some participants in this workpackage will also be asked to take part in an interview to discuss in more depth their experiences of taking part in this part of the project. 

What about confidentiality?

All information provided to us during the study will be treated as confidential.  The only exception is if you tell the researcher about something that could lead to you or someone else being harmed in which case these concerns will be reported in line with usual safeguarding procedures.

Data collected during the study is anonymised so that individuals cannot be identified.  All participants will be given a unique number and only this number will appear in the information stored.  Only members of the research team will have access to the information and it will be kept securely in locked cabinets and password protected computers.

How will the results of the study be published?

When the study is complete we will be writing reports about our findings.  The reports will not include your personal details and you will not be identified in any report or publication.  We will be producing a summary of our findings which we will send to you.

What if I have a question or a problem?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.  Details are available on the 'Contact us' page of this website.

If, after taking part in the project, you have any concerns or complaints please contact Dr Helen Killapsy (Chief Investigator) in the first instance.  Details are available on the 'Contact us' page.

Thank you for your interest in the QuEST Project.  Below you will find further information about role of service user participants in our study. 

Why am I being asked to take part?

You have been asked to participate because you currently live in supported accommodation in one of the areas where we are carrying out our study.

What are the benefits of being involved?

There are some significant benefits of being involved in the QuEST Project.  You will have the opportunity to:

  • Discuss the good things about supported accommodation as well as the things you find more difficult
  • Help us assess the quality of supported accommodation in England
  • Assist us in developing an understanding of how services can be improved

In spite of these benefits, you are under no obligation to participate in the project and can withdraw from the study at any time without any impact on your treatment or care.

What will be expected of me?

If you are willing to take part in the project, one of our researchers (Sima, Joanna or Peter) will first ask you to read a participant information sheet for the relevant workpackage.  You will then have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.  If you are willing to proceed, you will then be asked to sign a consent form to confirm your participation.

Workpackage 1

If you agree to be involved in the first part of workpackage 1 you will be invited to attend one of the focus groups to review the Client's Assessment of Treatment Scale (CAT).  During the focus group one of our researchers will ask you about the CAT and how you think it could be adapted for use in supported accommodation.  There will be approximately 4-6 other service user participants in the focus group - some of whom may be known to you and others who may have come from other supported housing facilities.  It is expected that the focus groups will about one hour.

Workpackage 2

If you agree to be involved in workpackage 2, you will meet with one of our researchers to answer some questions about your activities, your satisfaction with different aspects of your life, your views on the support you receive and the freedom you have to make day-to-day decisions. This meeting will take approximately 30 minutes.

We will also ask your permission to contact a member of staff and ask them to complete a questionnaire about your abilities, needs and any particular difficulties you might have.  You may ask the researcher to see a copy of this questionnaire before giving your permission. We will also ask your consent to collect information from your case records. 

So that we can find out how you are getting on and whether you have moved on from your current accommodation, we will ask your permission to contact a member of staff and to review your case notes again in 30 months' time.

Workpackage 3

If you agree to be involved in workpackage 3, you will be asked to take part in an interview with one of the researchers.  During the interview you will be asked to discuss some of the positive aspects of supported accommodation and some of the things that are less helpful.  The interview should take approximately 45 minutes.

Workpackage 4

If you agree to be involved in workpackage 4, you will be asked to attend two interviews: one before you find out which type of supported accommodation you are being placed in, and again 12 months later.  These interviews will take no more than 30 minutes and will cover your activities, your satisfaction with different aspects of your life, your views on the support you receive and the freedom you have to make day-to-day decision.  We will also ask for your permission to collect information from your case notes and to speak with a member of staff about your abilities, needs and any particular difficulties you might have.

Some participants in this workpackage will also be asked to take part in an interview to discuss in more depth their experiences of this part of the project. 

What about confidentiality?

All information provided to us during the study will be treated as confidential.  The only exception is if you tell the researcher about something that could lead to you or someone else being harmed in which case we may need to tell your keyworker or psychiatrist about this.

Data collected during the study is anonymised so that individuals cannot be identified.  All participants will be given a unique number and only this number will appear in the information stored.  Only members of the research team will have access to the information and it will be kept securely in locked cabinets and password protected computers.

How will the results of the study be published?

When the study is complete we will be writing reports about our findings.  The reports will not include your personal details and you will not be identified in any report or publication.  We will be producing a summary of our findings which we will send to you.

What if I have a question or a problem?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.  Details are available on the 'Contact us' page of this website.

If, after taking part in the project, you have any concerns or complaints please contact Dr Helen Killapsy (Chief Investigator) in the first instance.  Details are available on the 'Contact us' page.