Natural sciences

Present day cases of childhood lead poisoning related to cars.


Headline: ‘Lead dust in cars source of kids' poisoning’

Article: Some childhood lead poisonings in Maine last year came from an unusual source - lead dust tracked into the family car.

S.3. – S.5.


Our object was found in the Pathology Collection between S.3. and S.5.

Correspondence between Professor Michael Worton and Dr Jane Collins


The attached letters are copies of correspondence between Professor Michael Worton, Vice-Provost of University College London and Dr Jane Collins, Chief Executive of Great Ormond Street Hospital fo

British Medical Journal - Article on Great Ormond Street Pathology Collection


The toy car, which is part of the UCL Pathology Collection, was kept as 'evidence' from a case of infant lead poisoning in the 1960s by the clinical team at Great Ormond Street Hospital.

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