Natural sciences

Testing the car for the presence of bacteria

Your name: 
Jack Ashby

Over the weekend I’ll be attempting to grow bacteria from the car. By inoculating a series of Petri dishes with different growth media we should get some colonies growing.

Bacteria on containing oil spills

Your name: 
Pornteera Pawijit

There is so many ways that biotechnology is applied in everyday life. One of the ways in helping to solve environmental problems.

Slice of a child's head (licking)


Found this on the bus - 7.45am 16th October.

Pigment analysis with Ruth Siddall, Geo-Archeologist (UCL)


Ruth Siddall is a Geo-Archeologist who has been working at UCL for the past 20 years. Ruth came on board the bus to do a pigment analysis of the red and white paint on the toy car.

Metal Eating Man


The attached audio file is a short interview with Linda Francis, who stepped onto the Object Retrieval bus and was reminded of a man she saw 35 years ago, who was, apparently commonly known in the

Pica and Blood Lead in Psychotic Children

Your name: 
Simone Severini

B. E. Oliver, G. O'Gorman, Pica and Blood Lead in Psychotic Children, Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, Volume 8 Issue 6, Pages 704-707

safety requirements for lead in toys from 1963 - present day


According to the DTI product standards - 'Toy safety' Guidance notes on the Uk toys (safety) regulations 1995 document for the protection of children’s health the use of toys must not, as an object

Original Photograph of Toy Car from Great Ormond Street Hospital


The photograph attached is a digital scan of the 'official' Great Ormond Street Hospital photograph taken in 1963 that was retrieved from the hospital archive.



Pica is a medical disorder characterized by an appetite for non-nutritive substances. The condition's name comes from the Latin word for magpie, a bird which is reputed to eat almost anything.

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