Ethnicities Spatialized: Divided Cities and Contested Public Spaces

Rapporteurs: Prof. Daniel Monterescu, Prof. Marius Lazar
Participants and discussants: Zsuzsanna Eva Katona (Prof. Michael Herzfeld), Ana Aceska (Prof. Jonathan Spencer), Elisabeth Schober (Prof. Michael Herzfeld)

Marginality, Migration, and Fragmentation: Coping with Ruptures

Rapporteurs: Prof. Michael Stewart, Prof. Michal Buchowski
Participants and discussants: Michal Sipos (Prof. Jonathan Spencer), Catalina Tesar (Prof. Sophie Day), Martin Fotta (Prof. Akis Papataxiarchis), Gergő Pulay (Prof. Vintila Mihailescu), Aniko Horvath (Prof. Susana Narotzky), Olena Fedyuk (Prof. Janet Carsten)

"Post-Socialisms": Continuities and Ruptures between Socialism and Post-Socialism

Rapporteurs: Prof. Sophie Day, Prof. Frances Pine, Prof. Gunter Schlee
Participants and discussants: Radu Umbres (Prof. Janet Carsten), Monica Vasile (Prof. Frances Pine), Neda Deneva (Prof. Akis Papataxiarchis), Dimitra Kofti (Prof. Susana Narotzky), Damiana Otoiu (Prof. Laszlo Foszto), Vihra Barova (Prof. Lale Yalcin-Heckmann), Lydie Fialová (Prof. George Kolankiewicz), Joanna Zalewska (Prof. George Kolankiewicz).

Religious Experience, Institutionalized Religions, and the Vernacular Politics of Identity

Rapporteurs: Prof. Vlad Naumescu
Participants and discussants: Sorin Gog (Prof. David Berliner), Galina Oustinova-Stjepanovic (Prof. David Berliner), Maja Veselic (Prof. Jean-Louis Fabiani)

Reforms and Cosmologies: Redefining Popular Governance

Rapporteurs: Prof. Don Kalb, Prof. Calin Goina
Participants and discussants: Gábor Halmai (Prof. Douglas R. Holmes), Mariya Ivancheva (Prof. Calin Goina), Raluca Pernes (Prof. David Berliner), Viorel Anastasoaie (Prof. Susana Narotzky)

State, Civil Society, and Elites: Ethnographies of Space, Power, and Governance

Rapporteurs: Prof. Prem Kumar Rajaram, Prof. Alexandra Kowalski
Participants and discussants: Razvan Dumitru (Prof. Lale Yalcin-Heckmann), Larissa Vetters (Prof. Alexandra Kowalski), Andrea Weiss (Prof. Lale Yalcin-Heckmann), Mateusz Laszczkowski (Prof. Douglas Holmes), Theodora Vetta (Prof. Csilla Konczei), Diana Szanto (Prof. David Berliner)