News in brief

Information skills: From this term onwards, Library Services will be offering a substantial programme of training sessions, designed to ensure that UCL students and staff make the best use of the many library and information resources on offer. The sessions will cover both information-finding and handling in the electronic environment, as well as the more traditional skills associated with using a large and complex print research library such as UCL. Such techniques have already been identified as amongst the key skills students need to acquire in their time here.

Click here for full details of the training sessions on offer.

Main Library refurbishment: The architects for next summer's refurbishment of the Main Library have now been chosen: the husband and wife team of Wright & Wright. They were responsible for the new Women's Library (a converted wash house at Aldgate), and are currently working on accommodation for some of the special collections at the V&A. Sandy Wright was the architect to the Royal College of Art Library.

SSEES merger: On 1 October 2002, the libraries of UCL and the School of Eastern European Studies became fully merged.