
Structure Prediction for Clusters

To obtain the programme for the conference, first click on "Home", then "Programme".

The programme for this workshop will follow a similar format to that used previously for the workshop
"Global Optimisation Techniques Applied to the Prediction of Structures"
in 2006, where attendees included:

Stefan Bromley (Univeristy of Barcelona, Spain),
Raul Carbonio (Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina),
Edwin Flikkema (University of Cambridge, UK),
Said Hamad (now at University of Seville),
Kenneth Harris (University of Cardiff, Wales),
Bernd Hartke (Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel),
Roy Johnston (Univeristy of Birmingham, UK),
Armel Le Bail (Universite du Maine, France),
Caroline Mellot-Draznieks (CNRS, Paris),
Sally Price (University College London, UK),
Christian Schon (Max Planck Institut, Stuttgart),
Michael Treacy (Arizona State University, US),
Bjoern Winkler (Univeristy of Frankfurt, Germany),
Martijn Zwijnenburg (Delft University of Technology, Holland),
Richard Catlow (University College London, UK)
and myself, Scott Woodley (previously Ri, now at University College London).

This page last modified 24 June, 2009

Clusters Molecular Crystals Hybrid Structures Microporous Framework Crystals Protein Folding Energy Landscapes Template Molecules
Images from reference [2] and references therein, Wikipedia or created using Materials Studio.