
Institute of Immunity and Transplantation


Research studies

Research studies ustilise samples taken from patients, which are then analysed in the research labs to gain insight into the mechanisms of disease and used to develop new ways of treating patients.

Through our Research studies, samples (blood, urine, saliva, tissue) are taken from patients and analysed in the research labs to gain insight into the mechanisms of disease.

Specialised clinics help scientists to study disease and clinicians to develop new ways of assessing and treating patients. Blood and other samples from rare or uncommon diseases are the fuel for scientific research and progress in the Institute.

Insight into disease mechanisms can be obtained by developing cellular models of disease which can be studied in the laboratory. Various cell types, including bone cells and blood vessel cells, can be derived from peripheral blood and have contributed to our understanding of Gaucher and Fabry disease.

Microvascular imaging combined with autoantibody testing enables very early diagnosis of connective tissue disease, such as systemic sclerosis.

Blood and tissue samples can be analysed in detail using a wide range of profiling techniques, as listed above.