
UCL European Institute


Ocean's Brexit: Maritime Policy after British Withdrawal

29 June 2017, 6:30 pm–8:00 pm


Event Information

Open to


What surprises lay in store for Britain's maritime policy as Brexit unfolds? Join us for a discussion on fisheries, oceans and the law of the sea after British withdrawal.

Thursday 29th June, 6.30-8.00pm

Thursday 29th June

Register here
Lecture Theatre 2
Cruciform Building
Gower Street

Since the referendum, the prospect of Brexit has been preoccupying the minds of policy makers, civil servants, professionals and academics across almost all sectors of society and the economy. Thus far, the high-level decisions have been given most air-time - the role of parliament in setting the agenda, the future trade relationship between the UK and EU, immigration and the status of EU citizens. This is likely to change once the negotiations begin proper. Brexit will require rethinking a vast range of policy areas in significant detail. Less noticed in public debate, but key in the forthcoming negotiations are the laws and policies concerning the fundamental bridge and border between the UK and Europe: the oceans. From international agreements defining the law of the sea to marine governance, from fisheries and offshore energy to environmental standards, how will the UK's withdrawal from the EU define the UK's future as a maritime nation?


  • Daniel Owen (Specialist in Marine Public Law, Fenners Chambers)
  • Lyndsey Dodds (Head of UK and EU Marine Policy, WWF)
  • Tom West (Researcher, ClientEarth)
  • Bryce Beukers-Stewart (Marine Ecologist and Fisheries Biologist, University of York)
  • Aaron Brown, 'Fishing for Leave'
  • Damian Carrington (Chair) (Environment Editor, The Guardian)

This event is free and open to all. Book your place here.

Ocean image (C) Flickr user 'apasciuto' (CC BY 2.0).