
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Isolation and Health Policy Seminar

policy seminar
Wednesday 21 June 2017, UCL 1 - 4.30pm

In the last decade, the Europe 2020 strategy included targets to prevent older people from being socially excluded and the Campaign to End Loneliness was launched in the UK. With the relationship of health and well-being with social isolation and loneliness being increasingly recognised, this seminar of four presentations showcases recent research on longitudinal changes in health and social isolation and what might be done to break the link between them.

Speakers / Topics / Participants

-Social isolation and loneliness: Associations with functional status in older adults.  Aparna Shankar, St. George's, University of London.
-Chicken or egg? Social exclusion and health in older age. Amanda Sacker,UCL.
-Neighbourhoods, social exclusion and health in later ages. Gopalakrishnan Netuveli, UEL
-Sustained enjoyment of life and mortality at older ages. Paola Zaninotto, UCL

Registered: ILC-UK, Age-UK, POST, SCIE, Social Finance, Campaign to End Loneliness, Ageing Better, Central & Nort West London NHS Foundation Trust, The Passage


Transcripts ( available approximately 1 month after the event)

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