Information about the SEA programme

Below are the titles of most of our workshops (with in between brackets, the Ambassador presenting the workshop). Note that availability of a workshop depends on the availability of our Ambassadors too. Click on the title of a workshop if you'd like to see the abstract.

Zeolites (Kim Jelfs)

The Molecular Universe (Fedor Goumans)
Water (Caroline Knapp)
An Owls View On The Universe (Davy Adriaens)
Chirality (Amandeep Kaur Sandhu)
Zeolites (Kim Jelfs)
Nanobling (Naima Narband)
Taxol: Chemistry takes on Mother Nature (Pui Shan Pang)
The Frontier of Light and Matter: Spectroscopy and Photochemistry (Abigail Nunn)
Acids and Bases (Rosie Coates)
Exploring... DNA! The worlds longest chemical? (Emily Culme-Seymour)

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