
The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction


Embracing a Movement for Change - Transforming Construction Network Plus Conference 2020

15 September 2020, 9:00 am–6:00 pm


This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Transforming Construction Network Plus


Online Event
Joining instructions will be sent a few days before the event.

Embracing a Movement for Change

The Transforming Construction Network Plus (N+) is delighted to welcome you to its second annual conference on Tuesday 15 September 2020. In the past year, the industry has seen a flourish of new initiatives, supported and encouraged by the Transforming Construction Challenge. Industry, academics, policy-makers, are working together to shape future construction, and address some of the biggest obstacles facing the industry. The breakout of Covid-19 has shown us that the need to overhaul the sector has never been greater, but has also underscored our incredible determination and innovative capabilities.

To accelerate this transformation, we all need to get involved and embrace this call for change. This one-day conference will reflect on what transformation means for the industry, what role digital technologies will play, and how to create an industry that would work for all. The event will feature renowned speakers from the UK, Europe and the USA, sharing their views on the key issues that lay ahead of us. 

We invite delegates from the UK and around the world to join us to discuss how the construction sector can embrace change. This is an opportunity to come on board to help transform the industry.  


This one-day conference will be fully online to respect delegate safety and enable access from all locations. Each session has been designed to be interactive, stimulating and constructive.

The conference will open with a provocative keynote, challenging our speakers and the ensuing sessions which will tackle some of the big questions facing us, such as:

  • What kind of construction industry do we want? 
  • When will digital deliver on its promise?
  • How will we create resilient supply chains?

This year, we have also asked leading experts; industry, academics and policy-makers, to offer their thoughts on the future of the construction sector. You’ll be able to find these thought-provoking and inspiring videos on the conference webpage in the weeks leading up to the event. 

Find out more about the speakers and the agenda: movementforchange.net

Book now

Administered by UK Research and Innovation, and supported through the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund, the N+ is uniting academic and industrial communities to create a new research and knowledge base, dedicated to address the systemic problems holding back the sector. 

For enquiries about the N+ or the Conference, please contact the network team: enquiries.tcnetworkplus@ucl.ac.uk