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Below are some links which I think are worth taking a look at:

UCL - rated top 'muliti-faculty' (ahem) university in london, and my place of study.

Wikipedia - find out everything you ever wanted to know about cardboard or the United Arab Emirates etc... and then for fun, try an alternative version.

Myspace - social networking website. Quite untidy, but good for researching music. Check out my profile here.

Facebook - another social networking website, a little bit tidier than myspace, but you can't change the background colour, or add a song to your profile (which is, obviously, very important). Does, however, have the distinct advantage of being able to 'poke' your friends...

Metacritic - excellent website, which cumulates reviews of CDs, movies, books etc from different sources and gives a mean rating. You no longer need rely on Johnny Vaughan's reviews in The Sun...

Live footy.org - watch premiership, champions league, and international matches LIVE and for free from your computer (take that sky sports prem+!). Just download one of the browser plug-ins, and log in five minutes before your game starts...N.B. you may need to brush up on your Arabic...

check out some other physicist's websites (well, I should return the favour): Aristeidis Koliopoulos, Paul Gorman, Mathis Maehlum.

CERN - (well, I had to put a physics one...) home to the LARGE HADRON COLLIDER, currently under construction, which will be the world's largest particle accelerator. Hopefully visiting there in the summer...

and, of course:
youtube - it's like watching 'you've been framed', but without Jeremy Beadle... actually, I'm not sure if that's a good thing...

WINTER 2006 - looking hairy (for a change)