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Representing Technical, Scientific and Specialist Medical Support Staff at University College London, School of Pharmacy, Institute of Education, Royal Institution of Great Britain

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Branch Officers
Branch Rules
Workplace Groups
Branch Meetings
To contact UCL Branch:
Tel 020 7679 6493
Pages maintained  by:
John Gallinari
Branch Website Officer

University College London Branch Rules

 (as introduced January 2004, to be fully implemented and adopted by September 2004)

 1. Branch 

1.1 The name of the Branch shall be University College London 0068, which is a constituent part of the London Region of Amicus
1.2 All members of Amicus employed by University College London, the Institute of Education, the Royal Institution of Great Britain and associated organisations shall be eligible for membership of the Branch.

1.3 Workplace Groups

1.3.1 The Branch shall have Workplace Groups within it, constituted as set out in Appendix A2 to these rules.
1.3.2 The composition of Workplace Groups may be changed at the discretion of the Branch Management Committee to facilitate the smooth running of the Branch. Any changes made must be endorsed by a full meeting of the Branch.
1.3.3 Workplace Groups may be established or closed at the discretion of the Branch Management Committee to facilitate the smooth running of the Branch. Any changes made must be endorsed by a full meeting of the Branch. 

2. Branch Annual General Meeting

2.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Branch shall normally be held in the month of September. The Agenda of the AGM shall be circulated to all members at least 14 days before the meeting.
2.2 At this meeting, the elections of all Branch Officers, delegates, Auditors and Trustees shall take place (Appendix A1 of these rules), together with other delegates and officers determined by the Notice of the AGM. Reports are to be given by the current officers and delegates. Newly elected Officers will take up their posts from 01 January of the following year.
2.3 The Branch will elect a Management Committee annually at the AGM consisting of the following Branch Officers:- Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, the two Assistant Secretaries, the Health, Safety and Welfare Convenor and the Learning Convenor. Convenors and additional Representatives (as detailed in Rule 3.2) of the Workplace Groups shall also be members of the Branch Management Committee.
2.4 No member shall hold at any one time more than one of the Principal Officer posts of the Branch.
2.5 No Branch Officer or member of the Branch Management Committee shall be eligible for appointment as an Auditor or Trustee of the Branch.
2.6 Other Branch Officer posts shall consist of those listed in Appendix A1 of these rules.
2.7 Each nomination for a Branch Officer post is to be supported by a proposer and seconder. Absentee nominations are permitted, provided written consent to nomination has been received from the nominee.
2.8 Branch Rules may be introduced, amended or annulled only at the AGM or at an Extraordinary Meeting called for such purpose. Notice of any proposed changes must be circulated to all members four days before the meeting.

2.9 Workplace Group Convenors and Representatives

2.9.1 The elected Workplace Group Convenors and Representatives shall be ratified by the AGM.
2.9.2 Should a Workplace Group fail to elect a Convenor or Representatives before an AGM, or the Convenor or Representatives not be ratified by the AGM, nominations for the post will be sought and these posts will be elected at the AGM. Nominees must be members of the Workplace Group.
2.9.3 Any member whose nomination has not been ratified by the AGM would not be eligible to be nominated in any election held under Rule 2.9.2.
2.9.4 Should one of the situations as set out in Rule 2.9.2 arise and it not prove possible to elect a Convenor and Representatives at the AGM, the Branch Management Committee will have the power to co-opt members of the group to fill such posts at a later date. These co-opted members will serve for the remainder of the year.
2.9.5 A member whose nomination has not been ratified by the AGM will not be eligible to be co-opted by the branch Management Committee to serve as a Convenor or Representative.

3. Workplace Groups

3.1 Groups will meet at least once a year, prior to the AGM, to elect Representatives and a Convenor. These elections will be ratified by the Branch Annual General Meeting. The basis for the elections is given in Appendix A2 of these Rules. Representatives so elected shall take up their positions from 01 January of the following year.
3.2 A Convenor shall be elected from among the Group’s Representatives.
3.2 From the Representatives shall be elected the Group’s delegation to the Branch Management Committee. This shall comprise one Representative for every 20 members or part thereof of the Group and shall include the Group’s Convenor. This delegation shall report fully and regularly to the Branch Management Committee and their Group on all matters.
3.3 The elected Convenor will be responsible for informing the Branch Secretary of the results of the elections within one week of their being held, and at least one week prior to the Branch AGM.
3.4 At least one Principal Officer of the Branch shall attend all Workplace Group meetings.
3.5 The Group Convenors shall convene all meetings of their Group in accordance with the Rules.  They shall notify the Branch Management Committee of dates and venues of meetings. They shall keep the group minutes and other records and report fully and regularly their activities.

4. Branch Meetings

4.1 Branch meetings shall normally be held on the last Wednesday of the month, with the exceptions of August and December when there shall be no meeting. Notification of a meeting shall be given to all members at least seven days prior to the meeting. Fifteen (or 5 if we adopt national Rules) members shall constitute a quorum.
4.2 The Branch Chair or Vice Chair, or in their absence a member of the Branch Management Committee, shall preside over all Branch and Management Committee meetings. That person shall sign the minutes of the Branch and shall see that the Rules of Amicus are duly observed.
4.3 The Branch Management Committee shall have control of all business of the Branch including negotiations with the employers. They shall normally meet once a month, two weeks before a Branch meeting, and all negotiations and casework will be reported to the Management Committee. Only the Principal Officers or the Branch Management Committee have the authority to call in a Full Time Officer of Amicus. The Branch Management Committee shall have the authority to co-opt members, subject to later confirmation at the next Branch meeting. It shall be their duty to make full enquiries as to the eligibility of applicants for membership of the union. They shall be informed of all correspondence received and sent by Officers on behalf of the Branch. Five members shall constitute the quorum for meetings of the Branch Management Committee.
4.4 The Branch Secretary or Assistant Secretary (Meetings) shall convene all meetings of the Branch and Branch Management Committee in accordance with the Rules.
4.5 A Special General Meeting of the Branch shall be held within seven days upon written request from 5% of the membership being given to the Secretary. For convenience this shall be taken to be 12 members.
4.6 The Branch Management Committee or Principal Officers shall have power to call an Extraordinary Meeting at any time, giving seven days’ notice.
4.7 Delegates to Trades Councils and other bodies shall be elected at Branch meetings. Every delegate shall report fully and regularly on their activities. The Branch Management Committee may approve delegates to other bodies in months where there is no Branch Meeting, these to be ratified at the next Branch Meeting.

5. Branch Officer Responsibilities

5.1. The Branch Secretary or Assistant Secretary (Meetings) shall keep the Branch minutes and other records. They shall be responsible for Branch administration. They shall prepare the Annual Report and present it to the Branch at the Annual General Meeting.
5.2. The Branch Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of the Branch members’ subscriptions and for their remission to Head Office, and shall keep a correct account of all payments and receipts of the Branch. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for the annual balance sheet; its preparation and submission of financial returns to head office. The Annual Report shall contain the Treasurers Report.
5.3. The Branch Secretary and Assistant secretary (membership and Finance) shall be responsible for the co-ordination of recruitment of new members into the Branch and for keeping accurate records of members’ addresses.
5.4. The Branch Auditors shall examine all the account books of the Branch and shall certify as to the correctness of the annual balance sheet. They shall report any inaccuracy and/or inadequacy in the accounts to the next Branch meeting.
5.5. The Branch Trustees shall be responsible for the property of the Branch.

6. Workplace, Safety and Learning Representatives

 6.1 Workplace Representatives (“Shop Stewards”)
Each Workplace Group shall elect Workplace Representatives as laid out in Appendix A2 of these Rules. In the event of a Workplace Representative retiring or leaving the Branch a new Workplace Representative shall be elected immediately. The duties of Workplace Representatives shall be to represent members in their Workplace Group on employment matters, consult with members as necessary, and recruit new members in their workplace.

6.2 Safety Representatives
Each Workplace Group shall elect Safety Representatives as laid out in Appendix A2 of these Rules. In the event of the Safety Representative retiring or leaving the Branch a new Safety Representative shall be elected immediately. The duties and terms of the appointment of Safety Representatives shall be in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. These representatives shall form the Branch Safety Committee, which shall elect a Convenor and two Deputy Convenors from among its members. The Convenor or a Deputy shall report to the Branch.

6.3 Learning Representatives
Each Workplace Group shall elect Learning Representatives as laid out in Appendix A2 of these Rules. In the event of the Learning Representative retiring or leaving the Branch a new Learning Representative shall be elected immediately. The duties and terms of the appointment of Learning Representatives shall be to promote lifelong learning and training to members and non-members in the staff groups represented by Amicus. These Representatives shall form the Branch Learning Committee, which shall elect a Convenor and Deputy Convenor. The Convenor or Deputy shall report to the Branch.


Appendix A1 – Branch Officers

Branch Officers

Principal Officers

Vice Chair
Assistant Secretary (Meetings)
Assistant Secretary (Membership and Finance)
Health, Safety and Welfare Convenor
Learning Convenor

Other Officers

Equal Opportunities Officer
Womens Officer
Web Officer
Information Officer


Regional Sector Conference

(composition of delegation to be advised. Believed to be open to all Workplace, Safety and Learning Representatives in the relevant industrial sector)

Regional Branch Conference

The Branch is entitled to send one delegate to the Regional Branch Conference

Regional Womens Conference

The Branch is entitled to send one delegate to the Regional Womens Conference.

Regional Political Conference

The delegation shall be all members of the Branch who are delegates to Constituency Labour Parties.

 Other positions

Auditors (x2)

Trustees (x2)


Appendix A2 - Workplace Groups


Group Composition 

Group 1 Clinical and Life Sciences      

Faculty of Clinical Science, Faculty of Life Science, Institute of Orthopaedics, Royal Free and University College Medical School, Royal Institute of Great Britain.


Group 2 Engineering, Maths and Physical Sciences      

Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Maths and Physical Sciences.

Group 3 Postgraduate Medical Institutes

Eastman Dental Institute, Institute of Child Health, Institute of Neurology, Institute of Opthalmology.

Group 4 Other UCL Faculties and Administrative Divisions

Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Social and Historical Sciences, EISD, Estates and Facilities.

Group 5 Institute of Education

Institute of Education

Workplace Group Representatives

Workplace Representatives – one per 10 members or part thereof, with one per Department and campus where possible.
Safety Representatives
– one per 20 members or part thereof, with one per campus where possible.
Learning Representatives
– one per 40 members or part thereof, with one per campus where possible 

The ratios above are the ideal position, although it may not be possible to achieve these targets. There should be at least one of each type of representative in each Workplace Group. 

Branch Management Committee Delegation

Each Workplace Group shall elect a delegation to the Branch Management Committee from its Representatives. This shall be on the basis of one delegate per 20 members or part thereof and shall include the Group’s Convenor.


Appendix A3 – Branch Committees and Sub-Committees

Branch Management Committee

Remit: The administration and management of the Branch.
see Rule 2.3

Branch Safety Committee

Remit: To co-ordinate the activity of Safety Representatives.
All Safety Representatives. From their number shall be elected a Convenor and two Deputy convenors, to be ratified by the branch AGM.

Branch Learning Committee

Remit: To co-ordinate the activities of Learning Representatives.
Constitution: All Learning Representatives. From their number shall be elected a Convenor and one Deputy Convenor, to be ratified at the Branch AGM.

Branch Recruitment and Membership Committee

Remit: To co-ordinate recruitment and membership involvement activity by the Branch.
Constitution: Chair/Secretary/Vice Chair; Assistant Secretary (Membership and Finance); Information Officer; one Representative from each Workplace Group.

Branch Information Committee

Remit: Provision of information to members of the Branch, including newsletters and the Branch website.
Chair/Secretary/Vice Chair; Information Officer; Web Officer

Branch Political Committee

Remit: Co-ordination of political and campaigning activities in the Branch.
Chair/Secretary/Vice Chair; all members who are delegates to Constituency Labour Parties; one member from each Workplace Group, elected from those members paying the political levy.

Branch Finance Committee

Remit: Management of the Branch finances.
Chair/Vice Chair; Secretary; Treasurer; Assistant Secretary (Membership and Finance)

Appendix A4 – Objects of the Branch

The objects of the Branch shall be, so far as may be lawful:

(a) To recruit, organise and represent workers who are eligible for membership of the Branch.
(b) To promote equality and advance the interests and improve the working conditions of members irrespective of age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic or national origin, creed or disability.
(c) To be an affiliate of the local Trades Union Council and other appropriate organisations.
(d) To promote co-operation and partnership arrangements with other appropriate organisations.
(e) To promote education, scientific and technical knowledge and training.
(f) To provide such advice and representation to members as may be specified in these rules. To arrange such legal representation as may be detailed in the national Rulebook.
(g) To do all such other things as may in the opinion of the Branch Management Committee be incidental or conducive to the attainment of these objects.

Appendix A5 – Standing Orders of the Branch

Notice of Meetings

The following notice periods shall apply to meetings: 

Branch Annual General Meeting:         14 days
Branch meetings:                               7 days
Branch Committee meetings:              7 days
Workplace Group meetings:                7 days

Committee and Sub-Committee meetings shall have a notice period as agreed by their members.

The notice shall include a copy of the Agenda, Minutes of the previous meeting and any other papers relating to the meeting’s business. The Agenda shall state the date, time and venue of the meeting; the order of business; and the date of the next meeting if known.

Order of Business

·        Acceptance of agenda and presentation of emergency motions

·        Apologies for Absence

·        Minutes of the previous meeting

·        Matters arising from the Minutes (not otherwise on the agenda)

·        Emergency Motions

·        Correspondence

·        Items of Business

·        Motions

·        Reports of Officers, Representatives and Delegates

·        Any other business (to be notified to the Chair/Convenor at the start of the meeting)

Minutes and Matters Arising

·        The Secretary or Convenor, or a person so nominated by them, shall keep the minutes of all meetings.

·        These shall be a record of the business conducted at the meeting.

·        If agreed to be accurate, they shall be signed and dated by the Chair or Convenor.

·        Any corrections to the minutes shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting at which they are raised.

·        Matters arising from the minutes will be discussed, and these notes recorded in the minutes of the meeting where they are raised.


·        Correspondence received and sent by the Branch Secretary or Workplace Group convenor shall be circulated at the meeting.

·        Items of particular importance shall be highlighted and discussed if appropriate.

Items of Business

·        The main business of the meeting shall be given priority over all remaining agenda items.

·        Where possible, copies of documents pertaining to the main business shall be sent to all members with notice of the meeting.


·        Any member may submit a motion to their Workplace Group or to the Branch. This shall be sent in writing to the Branch Secretary or Group Convenor at least 10 days before the meeting. If the motion has an effect outside the Branch, the proposer shall state where the motion should be sent.

·        Emergency motions may be presented to the Convenor or Branch Secretary at the start of the meeting. The member bringing the motion must provide sufficient copies for distribution to those present at the meeting. If accepted, the emergency motion will be taken after Matters Arising. The Chair/Convenor or the meeting shall decide whether the subject of the motion constitutes an emergency.

·        All motions must be proposed and seconded by a member at the meeting. The motion may be formally seconded.

·        The proposer and seconder will be given 3 minutes each to speak to the motion.

·        Amendments to the motion may then be moved and seconded from the floor, but must be handed in writing to the Chair or Convenor.

·        The mover and seconder of each amendment in turn are then given 3 minutes each to speak to their amendment

·        Each amendment will be taken in turn, followed by a vote. If an amendment is carried, the amended resolution becomes a motion to which further amendments may be moved.

·        The motion will then be put to the vote. Voting will normally be by show of hands, unless a member requests a secret ballot. A named vote may also be called by any member.

·        Motions will be carried by a simple majority of those voting. The chair of the meeting may vote, but does not have a casting vote in event of a tie.

·        If a motion is carried, it shall become the policy of the Branch or Workplace Group.

·        Where a motion is party-political in nature, only those members paying the political levy shall be entitled to vote.

Reports of Officers, Representatives and Delegates

Where an Officer, Representative or Delegate of the Branch wishes to make a report this shall normally be in writing, to be provided to the Branch secretary or Workplace Group Convenor at least 10 days before the meeting.

If the Officer, Representative or Delegate wishes to speak to their written report, they shall be given 5 minutes to do so.

Procedural Motions

“Next Business” may not be called during debate on motions until after the proposer and seconder have spoken.

Any motion of “next business”, “that the vote be taken”, “to adjourn” “of no confidence in the chair” shall be moved, seconded and put to the vote without discussion; after such a motion the chair need not accept a further procedural motion for a period of 20 minutes.

Motions to rescind Resolution

No motion to rescind a Resolution shall be valid within three months from the date on which the Resolution was carried. Motions to rescind Resolution must be provided with the same notice period as for ordinary motions.

Appendix A6 – Recognition Agreements

The Branch shall negotiate Recognition Agreements with all employers where the Branch has members employed.

The Recognition Agreements shall cover the following:

·        Rights to negotiate on behalf of members of the Branch

·        Rights to represent members of the Branch

·        Rights to be consulted by the employer on issues of importance

·        Rights to time off for attendance at meetings of the Branch or its constituent parts

·        Rights to time off for training of Workplace, Safety and Learning Representatives

·        Rights to time off for negotiation and consultation

·        Rights to time off for Representatives to perform their duties

·        The right to nominate members to Committees of the institution

·        The provision of facilities to allow the Branch to conduct its activities

·        The provision of information by the institution to the Branch (to include staff lists and statistics relevant to negotiation and consultation)