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Reading Beowulf in the eleventh century


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(Which is a really cool title: it means something like 'thoughts' or 'propriety'. This is basically all about The Way Things Should Be.)

These are taken from Whitelock, §52 pp.431-32. Old English texts to follow, at which point I'll also retranslate.

1. Once it used to be that people and rights went by dignities, and councillors of the people were then entitled to honour, each according to his rank, whether noble or ceorl, retainer or lord.

2. And if a ceorl prospered, that he possessed fully five hides of land of his own, a bell and a castle-gate, a seat and special office in the king’s hall, then was he henceforth entitled to the rights of a thegn.

3. And the thegn who prospered, that he served the king and rode in his household band on his missions, if he himself had a thegn who served him, possessing five hides on which he discharged the king’s dues, and who attended his lord in the king’s hall, and had thrice gone on his errand to the king – then he was afterwards allowed to represent his lord with his preliminary oath, and legally obtain his [right to pursue a] charge, wherever he needed.

4. And he who had no such distinguished representatives, swore in person to obtain his rights, or lost his case.

5. And if a thegn prospered, that he became an earl, then was he afterwards entitled to an earl’s rights.

6. And if a trader prospered, that he crossed thrice the open sea at his own expense, he was then afterwards entitled to the rights of a thegn.

7. And if there were a scholar who prospered with his learning so that he took orders and served Christ, he should afterwards be entitled to so much more honour and protection as belonged by rights to that order, if he kept himself [chaste] as he should.

8. And if anyone, anywhere, injured an ecclesiastic or a stranger by word or deed, then it was the concern of the bishop and the king, that they should atone for it as quickly as they could.

  Opening of Beowulf