PLIN0056 Semantics Research Seminar 2022-23
Nathan Klinedinst & Yasutada Sudo
This seminar is a PhD-level research seminar course on the intersection of natural language semantics and philosophy of language. It meets weekly during Term 1 at UCL. The main target audience of the seminar is PhD students, as well as staff, interested in linguistics, philosophy of language and related areas
In the first half, we will discuss different theories of indefinites with exceptional scope. The topic of the second half is TBA.
Schedule and lecture notes
Reading Week
Lecture 6 (18 Nov)
Lecture 7 (25 Nov)
NO CLASS (strike)
Lecture 8 (2 Dec)
TBA (Nathan)
Lecture 9 (9 Dec)
Zoom lecture by Sam Cumming (UCLA)
Lecture 10 (16 Dec)
Zoom lecture by Maria Aloni & Marco Degano (Universiteit van Amsterdam)