Discourse Referents
Yasu Sudo (UCL/ZAS)
Göttingen fall school in linguistics 2021
Mon 30 August–Fri 3 September 2021 at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Discourse referents are necessary one way or another to understand pronominal anaphora in discourse. In this course we will first start with a simple dynamic semantic theory as a model of discourse referents, construct a compositional semantic theory for a fragment of English, and then gradually enrich it to account for several aspects of pronominal anaphora in natural language.
All lectures will be on Zoom (email me at y.sudo@ucl.ac.uk for the link).
During the fall school, I'm available for online meetings, or in-person meetings, if you are also in Göttingen. Either way, pleaes feel free to email me to set up a meeting.