

Von Staden lecture at College of Physicians
MELLON FELLOWSHIP at Emory University
PRESENTATION of two new volumes
Prof. Mirko Grmek

Heinrich von Staden will delover the Radbill Lecture for the Section on Medical History of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia on Wednesday, October 16, 2002, at 6:15pm. The Lecture will be given in Thomson Hall, First floor, College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 19 S. 22nd Street, Philadelphia. The title of Professor von Staden's Lecture is " 'To Help or Not to Harm': Ethics in the Hipppocratic Writings." There will be a Reception following the Lecture, and a Dinner by subscription after the Reception. We need to know if people are planning to attend in order to plan an adequate Reception. RSVP to A. Deborah Goldstein, MD, PhD Chairman, Section on Medical History College of Physicians of Philadelphia adg.jbg@verizon.net 610-525-2256

2/21/02 Exhibit on Greek Medicine " 'I Swear by Apollo Physician ...': Greek Medicine from the Gods to Galen"

The History of Medicine Division of the National Library of Medicine has installed an exhibition on Classical Greek medicine entitled, " 'I swear by Apollo Physician ...': Greek Medicine from the Gods to Galen," which is on display outside the Division's Reading Room until April 26, 2002. The exhibition focuses on the history of Greek medicine and Classical Greek contributions to modern medicine. Included are items from the Library's history of medicine collection, among which are early printed editions and medieval manuscripts of works by Greek physicians. On display are the first printed editions of the Hippocratic Oath, in Articella, seu Opus medicinae (Venice, 1483); Aristotle's De animalibus (Venice, 1476) and Dioscorides' De materia medica (Venice, 1499). Many foundations of modern Western medicine lie in Classical Greece, from about 800 B.C.E. to about 200 C.E. During this period Greek medicine departed from the divine and mystical and moved toward observation and logical reasoning. These ideas spread throughout the Mediterranean world and as far east as India, and their influence has remained strong in much of the West to this day.

The National Library of Medicine is located at 8600 Rockville Pike, on the grounds of the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. The Library is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday; and from 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Thursday; and 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Saturday. Because of heightened security, parking at the NIH is difficult. Go to www.nlm.nih.gov/about/visitor.htmlfor directions and information about security measures. Metro service (Medical Center Station on the Red Line) is convenient. For further information about the exhibition, including images, please contact Mr. North at (301) 496-9204 or northm@mail.nlm.nih.gov.

Michael North, northm@mail.nlm.nih.gov
Rare Book Cataloger
National Library of Medicine
History of Medicine Division
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
(301) 496-9204


11th International Hippocrates Colloquium, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 28-30 August 2002.

The purpose of this conference is to encourage research into the Hippocratic writings from the point of view of their relationship with the historical context in which they were written, and the impact they had on ancient society, culture, mentality and morality, language, literature, and thought. 'Context' here is not restricted to the Greek world, but also includes the medical thought and practice of other civilizations in the Mediterranean, such as Babylonian, Egyptian, Persian, and Indian medicine.

A further point of interest will be the relations between the Hippocratic writings and non-Hippocratic medical authors of the fifth and fourth century BCE, such as Diocles of Carystus, Praxagoras of Cos, Philistion, Alcmaeon, Euryphon, Herodicus, Mnesitheus, Dieuches, etc., as well as the relevant works of Plato, Aristotle, and Theophrastus. Furthermore, the conference wishes to encourage research into some of the more neglected works in the Hippocratic Corpus, such as Internal Affections, Decorum (and other deontological works different from the Oath), Coan Prognoses, Sevens, etc.

The conference is meant to assist in opening up Hippocratic studies to scholars who are not specialists in the field but whose research touches on ancient medicine. Ancient historians, archaeologists, historians of philosophy and science, social historians of medicine, medical anthropologists, specialists in Near Eastern and Egyptian medicine, and students of Greek language and literature to whose research the Hippocratic writings are relevant, are all encouraged to participate.

Further details will be published nearer the time on the Newcastle University website and in the electronic Ancient Medicine Newsletter.

For further information please contact:

Philip J. van der Eijk
Professor of Greek
University of Newcastle
Department of Classics
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Tel. (+)44.191.2228262
Fax: (+)44.191.2225432
email: mailto:philip.van-der-eijk@ncl.ac.uk


21. Treffen des Arbeitskreises ALTE MEDIZIN

Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde der Alten Medizin,

nachdem das Programm für die diesjährige Tagung unseres Arbeitskreises feststeht, möchten wir Sie dazu herzlich einladen. Das Treffen findet am

Sonntag, dem 24. Juni 2001
wieder im Medizinhistorischen Institut der Universität Mainz, Am Pulverturm 13, Untergeschoß (Seminarraum) statt. Eine Liste mit Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten und das Programm sind beigefügt; wegen des Mainzer Johannisfestes (22.- 25. Juni) raten wir Ihnen, frühzeitig zu reservieren.

Am Abend vor der Tagung (23. Juni) treffen wir uns ab

19 Uhr (bis ca. 23.30 Uhr)
in der Bibliothek des Medizinhistorischen Instituts (der Zugang ist ausgeschildert). Diese Möglichkeit, Geselligkeit und alte Freundschaften zu pflegen und neue anzuknüpfen, ist seit langem Bestandteil unseres Treffens. Gegen 19.30 wird zur Verpflegung ein kaltes Büffet zur Verfügung stehen, für das ein Unkostenbeitrag von DM 20,- erbeten wird. Dafür ist eine besondere Anmeldung nötig (gegebenenfalls mit Angabe der Personen in Ihrer Begleitung).

Bitte zeigen Sie uns Ihre Teilnahme alsbald per Post, Fax oder e-mail an: Medizinhistorisches Institut, Am Pulverturm 13, 55131 Mainz, Telefax: +49(0)6131-17-6682, e-mail: wekuemme@mail.uni-mainz.de

spätestens bis zum 11. Juni 2001.


Emory University - Atlanta, GA

Andrew W. Mellon Faculty Fellowship in the Humanities: The Department of Classics in Emory College of Arts and Sciences has been authorized to recruit a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow for the academic years 2001-2003, with special emphasis on the study of ancient medicine/science. This is a non-tenure-track postdoctoral fellowship (an initial one-year appointment and renewable for a second year), awarded to a scholar capable of initiating an imaginative program of teaching and developing her/his own research. Fellows must have the doctorate in hand at the time of taking up the appointment.

The Fellow will participate in the regular offerings of the classics department, and also develop and teach courses related to the study of ancient medicine, either within the department or jointly with other units (e.g., philosophy, anthropology, women's studies, history, religion, public health, medicine). Fellows teach one course per semester. Stipend is $36,000 per annum, plus $500 for relocation costs and a research allowance of $1,000 per annum.

Applications must include the following materials: a) letter of application laying out interests and qualifications, and a 500-word statement of proposed research; b) curriculum vitae; c) brief description of two courses you would like to teach during your tenure as a Mellon Fellow; d) at least two letters of academic recommendation. Send materials to: Professor David F. Bright, Chair, Department of Classics, N404 Callaway Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. In order to be ensured full consideration, dossiers must be received by 12 December, 2000. Although we are not using the APA Placement service for this search, members of the department will be in San Diego and may make arrangements to meet with candidates there. We will not be conducting on-campus interviews.

Emory is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action employer.


Colleagues may be interested to know about the presentation of two new major publications in the history of ancient medicine:

DIOCLES OF CARYSTUS: A Collection of the Fragments with Translation and Commentary. Volume One: Text and Translation. by Philip J. van der Eijk Leiden: Brill, 2000 (Studies in Ancient Medicine, vol. 22) xxxiv + 497 pp. ISBN 90 04 10265 5 (Vol. 1), ISBN 90 04 12013 0 (set)

FROM ATHENS TO JERUSALEM Medicine in Hellenized Jewish Lore and in Early Christian Literature. edited by Samuel Kottek and Manfred Horstmanshoff. Rotterdam: Erasmus Publishing, 2000 (Pantaleon Reeks Nr. 33) ISBN 90 5235 135 X

The presentation will be held at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Study (NIAS), Meijboomlaan 1, 2242 PR Wassenaar, the Netherlands, on Friday 17th of November 2000, from 15.00 onwards. The presentation will be organized by fellows of the NIAS-research group "Rethinking the History of Medicine: 'Rationality' and 'Magic' in Babylonia and the Graeco-Roman World", in co-operation with the NIAS, Brill Academic Publishers and Erasmus Publishing.

The programme is as follows:

15.00 Dr Manfred Horstmanshoff (Department of Ancient History, Leiden University): Opening and brief introduction to the project of the NIAS-research group

15.10 Prof. Philip van der Eijk (Department of Classics, University of Newcastle upon Tyne): Presentation of DIOCLES OF CARYSTUS

15.50 Dr Teun Tieleman (Lauwerscollege, Leeuwarden): Concluding remarks

16.00 Tea/coffee

16.15-17.05 Prof. Mark Geller (Department of Hebrew, University College London): Presentation of FROM ATHENS TO JERUSALEM

17.05 Prof. Marten Stol (Department of Assyriology, Free University Amsterdam): Concluding remarks

17.15-18.30 u. Reception organized by Koninklijke E.J. Brill, Leiden and Erasmus Publishing, Rotterdam

Both publishers will have a display of recent publications in the history of medicine, which will be available at reduced price.

If you are interested in attending the presentation, or if you wish to receive further details about the publications, please respond by filling in the reply slip below and return it to

Dr Manfred Horstmanshoff
Meijboomlaan 1
2242 PR Wassenaar
the Netherlands
e-mail m.horstmanshoff@nias.knaw.nl

SAM Panel Proposed for January, 2002, Philadelphia

"Ancient Medicine"
At the Philadelphia meeting of the American Philological Association, January 2002, the Society for Ancient Medicine will sponsor a panel session featuring recent research in Ancient Medicine. The focus will be on Greeks and Romans from the beginnings until late antiquity. However, topics dealing with the contributions of other Mediterranean and Near Eastern civilizations in this time frame will also be considered. We are interested in papers treating any theoretical or practical aspect of medicine, including pharmacy and regimen. Of equal interest are investigations of the social role of medicine and/or the physician, and the interaction of medicine with other disciplines. We are open to papers on mental as well as physical health and disease. If apropos, modern analysis and critical examination of ancient methods are welcome. Please send a summary of your paper (between 500-750 words) to arrive by 1 February 2001 and address it to: Professor Lesley Dean-Jones, Univ. of Texas, Austin, Dept. of Classics WAC 123, Austin, Texas 78712.

À Le Centre Jean-Palerme: Nous avons la tristesse de fait part du décès, le 6 Mars 2000, du Professeur MIRKO GRMEK, Directeur d’Etudes à l’Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes.

Tous ceux qu’il a aidés, conseillé, éclairés, lui rendent hommage.


The Society for the Social History of Medicine (SSHM) invites submissions for its two Millennium Prize Essay Competitions. These prizes will be awarded to the best original, unpublished essays in the social history of medicine submitted to each competition as judged by the SSHM's assessment panel.

The millennium essay competition is open to post-doctoral scholars and faculty who obtained their Ph.D. or equivalent qualification after 31 December 1994. The student millennium essay competition is open to students in full or part-time education. Each prizewinner will be awarded 300.00 pounds, and his or her entry may also be published in the journal, Social History of Medicine.

Further details and entry forms can be down-loaded from the SSHM's website.

Alternatively, please contact the membership secretary: David Cantor, Department of History and Economic History, Manchester Metropolitan University, Geoffrey Manton Building, Rosamond Street West, Manchester M15 6LL. England. d.cantor@mmu.ac.uk or dcantor@fs4.ma.man.ac.uk

The deadline for entries is: 31 December 2000


From claudioc@hi-net.it:
Le comunico, per Sua informazione che è nato nella Repubblica di San Marino (R.S.M.), il Museo Ippocrate "Museo della medicina antica, popolare e curiosa, taumaturgica e empirica".


For information on the Prix Leonardo for multimedia productions in science, technology, and medicine, see the organizers' web site.


Ancient Medicine at Newcastle

The Department of Classics at Newcastle is unique among British Universities in having a specialist research in the history of ancient medicine and offering courses on Greek and Graeco-Roman medicine at undergraduate and postgraduate level. The department also hosts the meetings of the Pybus Club, a society for the history of medicine, and the University of Newcastle owns two specialist collections of books on medical history.


The department offers two undergraduate courses in Graeco-Roman medicine for 2nd and 3rd year students. Each course is two modules and is taught in translation.

  • History of Greek Medicine I (Medicine from the Homeric to the Hellenistic Age)
    Taught in odd/even years by Philip van der Eijk (Professor of Greek).
  • History of Greek Medicine II (Medicine from the Alexandrians to Galen)
    Taught in even/odd years by Philip van der Eijk (Professor of Greek).
  • Single module courses are offered in the original Greek on Hippocratic Writings for 2nd and 3rd year students in Classics.
Courses in Graeco-Roman medicine are also available (both in translation and in the original languages) as part of the programme for the taught MA in Classics.

Postgraduate programmes

It is also possible to pursue individual study within the postgraduate programme *Health and Disease in the Classical World* as (part of) a postgraduate degree (MA, MLitt, MPhil, PhD) in Classics. Provision is also made for the supervision of PhD students in Graeco-Roman medicine or related topics.

Stage 4 Medical Students can also choose the option History of Greek and Roman medicine as a Special Study Module.


Philip van der Eijk has published widely on ancient medicine (Hippocrates, Galen, Diocles, Soranus, Caelius Aurelianus) and its intellectual context (esp. Aristotle and the Peripatos). He is the editor of *Ancient Histories of Medicine: Essays in Medical Doxography and Historiography in Classical Antiquity* (Leiden: Brill, 1999), and the principal editor of the 2 volumes *Ancient Medicine in its Socio-Cultural Context* (Amsterdam-Atlanta, 1995). He is currently preparing an edition with commentary of the fragments of Diocles of Carystus (Brill, Leiden).

Research Specialisms within the Department

Areas of research include:

  • interactions between philosophy and medicine in the classical world
  • the medical ideas of Diocles of Carystus
  • the historiography and doxography of medicine in the classical world
  • medicine in Aristotle and the Aristotelian tradition
  • linguistic and rhetorical aspects of Greek and Latin medical texts
  • Galen's epistemology
  • Methodism
The Pybus Club (a society for the history of medicine) is also run from the Classics department and holds regular lectures and meetings.

The Pybus Collection is housed in the Robinson Library. It is a rich collection of historical medical works, engravings, letters, portraits and busts donated to the university by the late Professor F.C. Pybus, Professor of Surgery at the University of Newcastle, on his death in 1975.

The Robinson Library also houses the Medical Collection, which contains a large number of historical medical works from the 16th to the 19th century.

For further information please contact:

Professor Philip van der Eijk
University of Newcastle
Department of Classics
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU
Tel.: 0191 - 222 8262 (7966)
Fax: 0191 - 222 5432
email: Philip.van-der-Eijk@ncl.ac.uk


3/15/96 I communicate that my book on Vegetius' Mulomedicina has been published. The title is: La tradizione manoscritta della "Mulomedicina" di Publio Vegezio Renato, Editrice Sileno, Acireale, 1996, pp. 211. Orders to: Editrice Sileno s.a.s., Corso Umberto 58, I-95024 ACIREALE (CT) - ITALY. The price is of Lit. 50,000.

Prof. Dr. Vincenzo Ortoleva
Universita' di Catania
Dpt. di Studi antichi e tardoantichi
P.zza Dante 32
Fax: +39-95-7102393
E-mail: orto@mail.tau.it



Last updated 10/03/02. Please send information, announcements, and suggestions to Lee T. Pearcy ,lpearcy@ea.pvt.k12.pa.us.