Pub Crawl 2008

By Fawzi Abou-Chahine

CPS Pubcrawl ’08: A night to remember?

It all started out in the 3rd floor union bar, Phineas. As always a mixture of enthusiastic first year chemists, fresh out of the lab along with some of our older collegues were waiting in anticipation for the night’s festivities to begin. Once everyone was introduced, and had a drink or two we headed off to ULU where a healthy selection of beers, wines and spirits welcomed us with open arms. We on the other hand welcomed it’s 2 for 1 promotion, but only in a civil way, naturally. Down the road were two more public houses that were yet to be entered with a warm atmosphere and delightful setting for our next round of drinks. By stage people were getting rather excited, if a bit too excited as shown by the picture (1).


Picture 1

Next stop was The Court, an excellent place for cheap drinks, good food but also great laughs that ensued. After those who had fallen over had got up again (2) we waltzed on down to Potion, a wonderful bar with great cocktails, student deals and dance floor (with no entry charge). The best pubs within a 5 minute walking/crawling from the Turner Lab were visited, memories and friends were made, and we’ll do it all again next year!


Picture 2