1. surnames/family names beginning A-F
Development of the dorsal-ventral axis in Drosophila (WDR)
2. surnames/family names beginning G-Q
Development of the left-right axis in vertebrates (HKS)
3. surnames/family names beginning R-Z
Development of the neural crest and its derivatives (LD)
First read the relevant sections of the standard textbooks. Then use PubMed http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi to search for short, recent review articles, e.g. Cell "minireviews", Current Biology "dispatches", Nature "news and views".
essay should be about 1500 words. Illustrations/diagrams are highly
desirable. If possible, word-process it and print it DOUBLE-SPACED.
Including diagrams, I expect it will be around four to
six A4 pages
DEADLINES for COURSEWORK ESSAY: In accordance with Department policy, there are two deadlines for
coursework. Work handed in by the first
deadline will be marked on the full scale as normal. Work handed in after this but before the
second deadline will be marked on a pass/fail basis, i.e. if satisfactory it
can score 35%, otherwise it scores 0%.
Work handed in after the 2nd deadline is marked “incomplete” and the
student fails the course.
The FIRST DEADLINE for the B2010 course essay is Friday
Submit your essay in
person at the
The SECOND DEADLINE for all coursework is Friday
If you need to submit your essay during the holidays please email Hazel Smith (hazel.smith@ucl.ac.uk) informing her of the fact and how/when you are sending it - either by first class post* or as an email attachment (include any pictures or illustrations as jpegs). BE SURE TO MAKE A LOCAL BACKUP COPY
* addressed to: Ms Kathryn Rowlinson, Dept of Biology, University College London, Darwin Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT