Gems Lab Bibliography

D. Gems. ‘On Aging: What Causes it and How it Leads to the Maladies of Old Age.’ Book, out in 2025.

C.C. Kern, P. Manescu, M. Cuffaro, C. Au, A. Zhang, H. Wang, A.F. Gilliat, M. Ezcurra, D. Gems. ‘Machine learning predicts lifespan and underlying causes of death in aging C. elegans.’ Preprint at BioRxiv.

D. Gems. ‘How aging causes osteoarthritis: an evolutionary physiology perspective.’ In revision at Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. Preprint at

D. Gems, R. Singh Virk, J.P. de Magalhães. ‘Epigenetic clocks and programmatic aging.’ Ageing Research Reviews (2024) 101: 102546. (download pdf).

D. Gems, C.C. Kern. ‘Biological constraint, evolutionary spandrels and antagonistic pleiotropy.’ Ageing Research Reviews (2024) 101: 102527; preprint at (download pdf).

A. Zhang, G. Meecham Garcia, C. Nguyen Hong, P. Xie, H. Chapman, C.C. Kern, B. Zhang, D. Gems. ‘Characterization of effects of mTOR inhibitors on aging in C. elegans.’ Journals of Gerontology A (2024) 79: glae196.

D. Gems, S. Okholm, M. Lemoine. ‘Inflated expectations: the strange craze for translational research on aging.’ EMBO Reports (2024) 25: 3748-3752. (download pdf).

D. Gems ‘Conceptual Breakthroughs in the Evolutionary Biology of Aging, by Kenneth R. Arnold and Michael R. Rose.’ (Book review) Quarterly Review of Biology (2024) 99: 191. (download pdf)

A. Molière, J.Y.C. Park, A. Goyala, E. Vayndorf, B. Zhang, K.C. Hsiung, Y. Jung, S. Kwon, C. Statzer, D. Meyer, R. Nguyen, J. Chadwick, M.A. Thompson, B. Schumacher, S.-J. Lee, C. Essmann, M.R. MacArthur, M. Kaeberlein, D. David, D. Gems, C.Y. Ewald. ‘Improved resilience and proteostasis mediate longevity upon DAF-2 degradation in old age.’ Geroscience (2024) 46, 5015-5036.

H. Chapman, K.C. Hsiung, I. Rawlinson, E.R. Galimov, D. Gems. ‘Colony level fitness analysis identifies a trade-off between population growth rate and dauer yield in Caenorhabditis elegans.’ BMC Ecology and Evolution (2024) 24: 13. (download pdf).

C.C. Kern, S. Srivastava, M. Ezcurra, N. Hui, S. Townsend, D. Maczik, V. Tse, V. Konstantellos, J. Bähler, D. Gems. C. elegans ageing is accelerated by a self-destructive reproductive programme.’ Nature Communications (2023) 14: 4381. (download pdf).

A. Zhang, K.C. Hsiung, C.C. Kern, Y. Wang, A.L. Girtle, N. Xu, D. Gems. ‘Unravelling effects of anti-aging drugs on C. elegans using liposomes.’ Geroscience (2023) May 4, 1-21. (download pdf).

D. Gems, C.C. Kern. ‘Is "cellular senescence" a misnomer?’ Geroscience (2022) 44: 2461-2469. (download pdf).

M.P. Murphy, K.J.A. Davies, Y. Janssen-Heininger, D. Gems, V.E. Kagan, B. Kalyanaraman, N.-G. Larsson, G.L. Milne, T. Nyström, H.E. Poulsen, R. Radi, H. Van Remmen, P.T. Schumacker, P.J. Thornalley, S. Toyokuni, C.C. Winterbourn, H. Yin, B. Halliwell. 'Guidelines for measuring reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage in cells and in vivo.' Nature Metabolism (2022) 4: 651-662.

C.C. Kern, D. Gems. ‘Semelparous death as one element of iteroparous aging gone large.’ Frontiers in Genetics (2022) 13: 880343 (download pdf).

D. Gems. ‘The hyperfunction theory: an emerging paradigm for the biology of aging.’ Ageing Research Reviews (2022) 74: 101557 (download pdf).

B.L.H. Wong, I. Siepmann, A. Rangan, O. El-Omrani, D. Davis, N. Arias-Casais, D.S. Saminarsih, D. Gems ‘Involving young people in healthy aging: a crucial facet to achieving the Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030).’ Frontiers in Public Health, section Aging and Public Health (2021) 9: 2046. (download pdf)

C.C. Kern, S. Townsend, A. Salzmann, N.B. Rendell, G.W. Taylor, R.M. Comisel, L.C. Foukas, J. Bähler, D. Gems. C. elegans feed yolk to their young in a form of primitive lactation.’ Nature Communications (2021) 12: 5801. (download pdf). Recommended twice in Faculty Opinions as being of special significance in its field.

D. Gems, C.C. Kern, J. Nour, M. Ezcurra. ‘Reproductive suicide: Similar mechanisms of aging in C. elegans and Pacific salmon.’ Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology (2021) 9: 688788. (download pdf)

D. Gems, J.P. de Magalhães. ‘The hoverfly and the wasp: A critique of the hallmarks of aging as a paradigm.’ Ageing Research Reviews (2021) 70: 101407. (download pdf). Item on The Sheekey Science Show about this article. Item in Longevity Technology about this article. Recommended in Faculty Opinions as being of special significance in its field.

Y. Zhao, B. Zhang, I. Marcu, F. Athar, H. Wang, E.R. Galimov, H. Chapman, D. Gems. ‘Mutation of daf-2 extends lifespan via tissue-specific effectors that suppress distinct life-limiting pathologies.’ Aging Cell (2021) 20: e13324. (download pdf)

B. Zhang, D. Gems. ‘‘Gross ways to live long: parasitic worms as an anti-inflammaging therapy?’ eLife (2021) 10: e65180. (download pdf)

E.R. Galimov, D. Gems. ‘Death happy: Adaptive ageing and its evolution by kin selection in organisms with colonial ecology.’ Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London (2021) 376: 20190730. (download pdf)

D. Gems, Ansätze der Biogerontologie. Chapter 29 in Handbuch Alter und Altern. Anthropologie - Kultur - Ethik. Ed. M. Fuchs. (2021) pp. 265-273.

C.A. Pérez-Hernández, C.C. Kern, E. Butkeviciute, E. McCarthy, H.M. Dockrell, M.M.B. Moreno-Altamirano, B.A. Aguilar-López, G. Bhosale, H. Wang, D. Gems, M.R. Duchen, S.G. Smith, F.J. Sánchez-García. ‘Mitochondrial Signature in human monocytes and resistance to infection in C. elegans during fumarate-induced innate immune training.’ Frontiers in Immunology (2020) 11: 1715. (download pdf)

E.R. Galimov, D. Gems. ‘Shorter life can increase colony fitness in virtual C. elegans.’ Aging Cell (2020) 19 e13141. (download pdf)

Y. Zhao, H. Wang, R.J. Poole, D. Gems. ‘A common fln-2 mutation affects lethal pathology and lifespan in C. elegans.’ Nature Communications (2019) 10: 5087. (download pdf)

E.R. Galimov, J.N. Lohr, D. Gems. ‘When and how can death be an adaptation?’ Biochemistry (Moscow) (2019) 84: 1433-1437. (download pdf) (download Russian language version)

A. Benedetto, T. Bambade, C. Au, J.M.A Tullet, J. Monkhouse, H. Dang, K. Cetnar, B. Chan, F. Cabreiro, D. Gems. ‘LFASS: Label-free automated survival scoring for high-throughput nematode assays.’ Aging Cell (2019) 18: e12998. (download pdf)

T. Sornda, M. Ezcurra, C. Kern, E.R. Galimov, C. Au, Y. de la Guardia, D. Gems. ‘Production of YP170 vitellogenins promotes intestinal senescence in C. elegans.’ Journals of Gerontology A (2019) 74: 1180–1188. (download pdf)

A. Benedetto, D. Gems. ‘Autophagy promotes visceral aging in wild-type C. elegans.’ Autophagy (2019) 15: 731-732. (download pdf)

J.N. Lohr, E.R. Galimov, D. Gems. ‘Does senescence promote fitness in Caenorhabditis elegans by causing death?’ Ageing Research Reviews (2019) 50: 58-71. (download pdf). (download IHA pre-print)

Y. Zhao, H. Wang, R.J. Poole, D. Gems. ‘"N2 male" is a long-lived fln-2 mutant.’ Worm Breeder's Gazette (2018) Dec 11.

M. Ezcurra, A. Benedetto, T. Sornda, A.F. Gilliat, C. Au, Q. Zhang, S. van Schelt, A.L. Petrache, H. Wang, Y. de la Guardia, S. Bar-Nun, E. Tyler, M.J. Wakelam, D. Gems. C. elegans eats its own intestine to make yolk leading to multiple senescent pathologies.’ Current Biology (2018) 28: 2544-2556 (download pdf). See commentary, Science Aug 9th 2018. Recommended twice by F1000.

H. Wang, Y. Zhao, M. Ezcurra, A. Benedetto, A.F. Gilliat, J. Hellberg, Z. Ren, T. Athigapanich, J. Girstmair, M.J. Telford, C.T. Dolphin, Z. Zhang, D. Gems. ‘A parthenogenetic quasi-program causes teratoma-like tumors during aging in wild-type C. elegans.’ NPJ Aging and Mechanisms of Disease (2018) 4: 6. (download pdf).

E.R. Galimov, R.E. Pryor, S.E. Poole, A. Benedetto, Z. Pincus, D. Gems. ‘Coupling of rigor mortis and intestinal necrosis during C. elegans organismal death.’ Cell Reports (2018) 22: 2730-2741 (download pdf). Rated exceptional by F1000.

H. Wang, Z. Zhang, D. Gems. ‘Monsters in the uterus: Teratoma-like tumors in senescent C. elegans result from a parthenogenetic quasi-program’ Aging (2018)10: 1188-1189. (download pdf)

J.M.A. Tullet, J.W. Green, C. Au, E. Clark, A. Benedetto, M.A. Thompson, A.F. Gilliat, A. Young, K. Schmeisser, D. Gems. 'The SKN-1/Nrf2 transcription factor can protect against oxidative damage and increase lifespan in C. elegans by distinct mechanisms.' Aging Cell (2017) 16: 1191-1194. (download pdf)

Y. Zhao, A.F. Gilliat, M. Ziehm, M. Turmaine, H. Wang, M. Ezcurra, C. Yang, G. Phillips, D. McBay, W.B. Zhang, L. Partridge, Z. Pincus, D. Gems. ‘Two forms of death in ageing Caenorhabditis elegans.’ Nature Communications (2017) 8: 15458. (download pdf)

A. Benedetto, T. Bambade, C. Au, J.M.A. Tullet, H. Zhang, K. Cetnar, F. Cabreiro, D. Gems. ‘LFASS: Label-free automated survival scoring for high-throughput nematode assays.’ BioRxiv (2017) (download pdf)

S. Janac, B. Clarke, D. Gems. 'Aging: natural or disease? The view from medical textbooks.' Pp. 11-34 in: "Anti-aging drugs: from basic research to clinical practice." Ed. A.M. Vaiserman. RSC Drug Discovery Series No. 57. Royal Society of Chemistry (2017). (download pdf)

A.J. Dobson, M. Ezcurra, C.E. Flanagan, A.C. Summerfield, M.D.W. Piper, D. Gems, N. Alic. 'Nutritional programming of lifespan by FOXO inhibition on sugar-rich diets.' Cell Reports (2017) 18: 299-306.

A. Moskalev, V. Anisimov, A. Aliper, A. Artemov, K. Asadullah, D. Belsky, A. Baranova, A. de Grey, V.D. Dixit, E. Debonneuil, E. Dobrovolskaya, P. Fedichev, A. Fedintsev, V. Fraifeld, C. Franceschi, R. Freer, T. Fülöp, J. Feige, D. Gems, V. Gladyshev, V. Gorbunova, I. Irincheeva, S. Jager, S.M. Jazwinski, M. Kaeberlein, B. Kennedy, D. Khaltourina, I. Kovalchuk, O. Kovalchuk, S. Kozin, A. Kulminski, E. Lashmanova, K. Lezhnina, G.H. Liu, V. Longo, P. Mamoshina, A. Maslov, J.P. de Magalhaes, J. Mitchell, A. Mitnitski, Y. Nikolsky, I. Ozerov, E. Pasyukova, D. Peregudova, V. Popov, E. Proshkina, E. Putin, E. Rogaev, B. Rogina, J. Schastnaya, A. Seluanov, M. Shaposhnikov, A. Simm, V. Skulachev, M. Skulachev, I. Solovev, S. Spindler, N. Stefanova, Y. Suh, A. Swick, J. Tower, A.V. Gudkov, J. Vijg, A. Voronkov, M. West, W. Wagner, A. Yashin, N. Zemskaya, Z. Zhumadilov, A. Zhavoronkov. A review of the biomedical innovations for healthy longevity. Aging (2017) 9:7-25

D. Gems. ‘What is aging?’ Pp. 22-29 in: “AGE - From the anatomy of life to the architecture of living.” Eds. M. Wynants, G. Nuyttens (2016) Crosstalks/VUBPress. (download pdf)

Y. de la Guardia, A.F. Gilliat, J. Hellberg, P. Rennert, F. Cabreiro, D. Gems. 'Run-on of germline apoptosis promotes gonad senescence in C. elegans.' Oncotarget (2016) 7: 39082-39096 (download pdf), (download supplement).

D. Gems. 'The aging-disease false dichotomy: understanding senescence as pathology.' Frontiers in Genetics (2015) 6: 12 (download pdf). 13th Dec 2018: paper viewed 10,000 times.

V.D. Longo, A. Antebi, A. Bartke, N. Barzilai, H.M. Brown-Borg, T.J. Curiel, R. De Cabo, C. Franceschi, D. Gems, D.K. Ingram, T.E. Johnson, B.K. Kennedy, C. Kenyon, S. Klein, J.J. Kopchick, G. Lepperdinger, F. Madeo, M.G. Mirisola, J.R. Mitchell, G. Passarino, K.L. Rudolph, J.M. Sedivy, G.S. Shadel, D.A. Sinclair, S.R. Spindler, Y. Suh, J. Vijg, M. Vinciguerra, L. Fontana. 'Interventions to slow aging in humans: Are we ready?' Aging Cell (2015) 4: 497-510. (download pdf)

C. Flanagan, M. Ezcurra, D. Gems. 'Life-extending dietary interventions reduce age-related pathologies in Caenorhabditis elegans.' Genetics Society Newsletter (2015) Issue 72 (January).

D. Gems. 'What is an anti-aging treatment?' Experimental Gerontology (2014) 58: 14-18. (download pdf)

D. Gems. 'Evolution of sexually dimorphic longevity in humans.' Aging (2014) 6: 84-91. (download pdf)

M. Schwarzlander, S. Wagner, Y. Ermakova, V. Belousov, R. Radi, J. Beckman, G. Buettner, N. Demaurex, M. Duchen, H. Forman, M. Fricker, D. Gems, A. Halestrap, B. Halliwell, U. Jakob, I. Johnston, N. Jones, D. Logan, B. Morgan, F. Muller, D. Nicholls, J. Remington, P. Schumacker, C. Winterbourn, L. Sweetlove, A. Meyer, T. Dick, M. Murphy. 'The 'mitoflash' probe cpYFP does not respond to superoxide.' Nature (2014) 514: E12-4.

M. Riesen, I. Feyst, N. Rattanavirotkul, M. Ezcurra, J.M.A. Tullet, I. Papatheodorou, M. Ziehm, C. Au, A.F. Gilliat, J. Hellberg, J.M. Thornton, D. Gems. 'MDL-1, a growth- and tumor-suppressor, slows aging and prevents germline hyperplasia and hypertrophy in C. elegans.' Aging (2014) 6: 98-117. (download pdf)

N. Alic, J.M.A. Tullet, T. Niccoli, S. Broughton, M.P. Hoddinott, D. Gems, L. Partridge. 'Cell-nonautonomous effects of dFOXO/DAF-16 in ageing.' Cell Reports (2014) 6: 1-9. (download pdf)

J.M.A. Tullet, C. Araiz, M. Sanders, C. Au, A. Benedetto, I. Papatheodorou, E. Clark, K. Schmeisser, D. Jones, E.F. Schuster, J.M. Thornton, D. Gems. 'DAF-16/FoxO-regulation of atypical AMP kinase gamma isoform mediates effects of insulin/IGF-1 signaling on aging in C. elegans.' PLoS Genetics (2014) 10: e1004109. (download pdf)

A.O. Estevez, K.L. Morgan, N.J. Szewczyk, D. Gems, M. Estevez. 'The neurodegenerative effects of selenium are inhibited by FOXO and PINK1/PTEN regulation of insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling in Caenorhabditis elegans.' NeuroToxicology (2014) 41C: 28-43. (download pdf)

C. Coburn, D. Gems. 'The mysterious case of the C. elegans gut granule: death fluorescence, anthranilic acid and the kynurenine pathway.' Frontiers in Genetics (2013) 4: 151. (download pdf)

F. Cabreiro, D. Gems. 'Worms need microbes too: Microbiota, health and aging in C. elegans.' EMBO Molecular Medicine (2013) 5: 1-11. (download pdf)

C. Coburn, E. Allman, P. Mahanti, A. Benedetto, F. Cabreiro, Z. Pincus, F. Matthijssens, C. Araiz, A. Mandel, M. Vlachos, S.-A. Edwards, G. Fischer, A. Davidson, R.E. Pryor, A. Stevens, F.J. Slack, N. Tavernarakis, B. Braeckman, F.C. Schroeder, K. Nehkre, D. Gems. 'Anthranilate fluorescence marks a calcium-propagated necrotic wave that promotes organismal death in C. elegans.' PLoS Biology (2013) 11: e1001613. (download pdf)

F. Cabreiro, C. Au, K.-Y. Leung, N. Vergara-Irigaray, H.M. Cocheme, T. Noori, D. Weinkove, E. Schuster, N.D.E. Greene, D. Gems. 'Metformin retards aging in C. elegans by altering microbial folate and methionine metabolism.' Cell (2013) 153: 228-239. (download pdf)

D. Gems, L. Partridge. 'Solving ageing.' International Innovation (2013) April issue: 116.

D. Gems, L. Partridge. 'Genetics of longevity in model organisms: Debates and paradigm shifts.' Annual Review of Physiology (2013) 75: 621-644. (download pdf)

D. Gems, Y. de la Guardia. 'Alternative perspectives on aging in C. elegans: Reactive oxygen species or hyperfunction?' Antioxidants and Redox Signaling (2013) 19: 321-329. (download pdf)

B. Virk, I. G. Correia, D. Dixon, Feyst, J. Jia, N. Oberleitner, Z. Briggs, E. Hodge, R. Edwards, J. Ward, D. Gems, D. Weinkove. 'Excessive folate synthesis limits lifespan in the C. elegans: E. coli ageing model.' BMC Biology (2012) 10: 67. (download pdf)

V.N. Anisimov, A. Bartke, N. Barzilai, M.A. Batin, M.V. Blagosklonny, H. Brown-Borg, Y. Budovskaya, J. Campisi, B. Friguet, V. Fraifeld, C. Franceschi, D. Gems, V. Gladyshev, V. Gorbunova, A.V. Gudkov, B. Kennedy, M. Konovalenko, B. Kraemer, A. Moskalev, I. Petropoulos, E. Pasyukova, S. Rattan, B. Rogina, A. Seluanov, M. Shaposhnikov, R. Shmookler Reis, N. Tavernarakis, J. Vijg, A. Yashin, P. Zimniak. 'The Second International Conference "Genetics of Aging and Longevity" '. Aging (Albany NY) (2012) 4: 305-317. (download pdf)

S. Valentini, F. Cabreiro, D. Ackerman, M. Alam, C. Kay, D. Gems. 'Manipulation of in vivo iron levels can alter resistance to oxidative stress without affecting ageing in the nematode C. elegans.' Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2012) 133: 282-290. (download pdf)

D. Ackerman, D. Gems. 'The mystery of C. elegans aging: An emerging role for fat.' BioEssays (2012) 34: 466-471. (download pdf)

D. Ackerman, D. Gems. 'Insulin/IGF-1 and hypoxia signaling act in concert to regulate iron homeostasis in C. elegans.' PLoS Genetics (2012) 8: e1002498. (download pdf)

C. Burnett, S. Valentini, F. Cabreiro, M. Goss, M. Somogyvari, M.D. Piper, M. Hoddinott, G. L. Sutphin, V. Leko, J.J. McElwee, R.P. Vazquez-Manrique, A.-M. Orfila, D. Ackerman, C. Au, G. Vinti, M. Riesen, K. Howard, C. Neri, A. Bedalov, M. Kaeberlein, C. Soti, L. Partridge, D. Gems. 'Absence of effects of Sir2 over-expression on lifespan in C. elegans and Drosophila.' Nature (2011) 477: 482-485. (download pdf)

F. Cabreiro, D. Ackerman, R. Doonan, C. Araiz, P. Back, D. Papp, B.P. Braeckman, D. Gems. 'Increased lifespan from over-expression of superoxide dismutase in C. elegans is not caused by decreased oxidative damage.' Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2011) 51: 1575-1582 . (download pdf)

H.M. Cocheme, C. Quin, S.J. McQuaker, F. Cabreiro, A. Logan, Tracy A. Prime, I. Abakumova, J.V. Patel, I.M. Fearnley, A.M. James, C.M. Porteous, R.A.J. Smith, S. Saeed, J. Carre, M. Singer, D. Gems, L. Partridge, R.C. Hartley, M.P. Murphy. 'In vivo measurement of mitochondrial H2O2 using a ratiometric mass spectrometry probe shows an increase with aging that does not determine lifespan.' Cell Metabolism (2011) 13: 340-350.

D. Gems. 'The problem of aging: To treat, or not to treat?' American Scientist (2011) 99: 278-280. (download pdf)

M.P. Murphy, A. Holmgren, N.G. Larsson, B. Halliwell, C.J. Chang, B. Kalyanaraman, S.G. Rhee, P.J. Thornalley, L. Partridge, D. Gems, T. Nyström, V. Belousov, P.T. Schumacker, C.C. Winterbourn. 'Unravelling the biological roles of reactive oxygen species.' Cell Metabolism (2011) 13: 361-366.

D. Gems. 'Tragedy and delight: The ethics of decelerated ageing.' Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. (2011) 366: 108-112. (download pdf)

E. Schuster, J.J. McElwee, J.M.A. Tullet, R. Doonan, F. Matthijssens, J.S. Reece-Hoyes, I.A. Hope, J.R. Vanfleteren, J.M. Thornton, D. Gems. 'DamID in C. elegans reveals longevity-associated targets of DAF-16/FoxO.' Molecular Systems Biology (2010) 6: 399. (download pdf)

F. Cabreiro, D. Gems. 'Treating aging: Progress towards dietary restriction mimetics.' F1000 Biology Reports (2010) 2: 76. (download pdf)

D. Gems. 'Wenn Mao noch lebte - Vom Segen und Unsinn de Alterns.' Pp. 81-99 in: Werden wir ewig leben? - Gespräche über die Zukunft von Mensch und Technologie. Eds, T. Hülswitt, R. Brinzanik. Suhrkamp (2010).

C. Selman, J.M.A. Tullet, D. Wieser, E. Irvine, S.J. Lingard, A.I. Choudhury, M. Claret, H. Al-Qassab, D. Carmignac, F. Ramadani, A. Woods, I.C.A. Robinson, E. Schuster, R.L. Batterham, S.C. Kozma, G. Thomas, D. Carling, K. Okkenhaug, J.M. Thornton, L. Partridge, D. Gems, D.J. Withers. 'Ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 signaling regulates mammalian lifespan.' Science (2009) 326: 140-144. (download pdf)

J. Toivonen, D. Gems, L. Partridge. 'Longevity of Indy mutant Drosophila not attributable to Indy mutation.' Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (2009) 06: E53. (download pdf)

D. Gems, R. Doonan. 'Antioxidant defense and aging in C. elegans: Is the oxidative damage theory of aging wrong?' Cell Cycle (2009) 8: 1681-1687. (download pdf)

D. Gems. 'Eine Revolution de Alterns: die neue Biogerontologie und ihre Implikationen.' In: Länger leben? Philosophische und biowissenschaftliche Perspektiven (Longer Life: Biological, Medical and Philosophical Perspectives). Eds, S. Knell, M. Weber. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft (2009). (download pdf) (download English language version)

F.J. Thompson, G.L.A. Barker, T. Nolan, D. Gems, M.E. Viney. 'Transcript profiles of long- and short-lived adults implicate protein synthesis as a determinant of evolved differences in ageing in the nematode Strongyloides ratti.' Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2009) 130: 167-172. (download pdf)

D. Gems. 'Aging and oxidants in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.' SEB Exp. Biol. Ser. (2009) 62: 31-56. (download pdf)

D. Gems. 'Ist mehr Leben stets besser? Die moderne Alternsbiologie under der Sinn des Lebens'. Pp. 365-385 in: Enhancement: Die ethische Debatte. Eds, B. Schone-Seifert, D. Talbot. Mentis Verlag (2009).

R. Doonan, J.J. McElwee, F. Matthijssens, G.A. Walker, K. Houthoofd, P. Back, A. Matscheski, J.R. Vanfleteren, D. Gems. 'Against the oxidative damage theory of aging: Superoxide dismutases protect against oxidative stress but have little or no effect on lifespan in C. elegans.' Genes and Development (2008) 22: 3236-3241. (download pdf) (download supplement)

D.S. Patel, A. Garza-Garcia, M. Nanji, J.J. McElwee, D. Ackerman, P.C. Driscoll, D. Gems. 'Clustering of genetically defined allele classes in the Caenorhabditis elegans DAF-2 insulin/IGF-1 receptor.' Genetics (2008) 178: 931-946. (download pdf file)

C. Selman, S. Lingard, D. Gems, L. Partridge, D.J. Withers. 'Comment on "Brain IRS2 signaling coordinates life span and nutrient homeostasis".' Science. (2008) 320: 1012 (download pdf file)

I. Lenaerts, G.A. Walker, L. Van Hoorebeke, D. Gems, J.R. Vanfleteren. 'Dietary restriction of Caenorhabditis elegans by axenic culture reflects nutritional requirement for constituents provided by metabolically active microbes.' Journal of Gerontology A Biol Sci Med Sci. (2008) 63: 242-252. (download pdf)

D. Gems, L. Partridge. 'Stress response hormesis and aging: "That which does not kill us makes us stronger."' Cell Metabolism (2008) 7: 200-203. (download pdf file)

C. Selman, S. Lingard, A.I. Choudhury, R.L Batterham, M. Claret, M. Clements, F. Ramadani, K. Okkenhaug, E. Schuster, E. Blanc, M.D Piper, H. Al-Qassab, J.R. Speakman, D. Carmignac, I.C.A. Robinson, J.M Thornton, D. Gems, L. Partridge, D.J. Withers. 'Extended lifespan with reduced age-related pathology in insulin receptor substrate 1 null mice.' FASEB Journal (2008) 22, 807-818. (download pdf file).

D. Gems, R. Doonan. 'Oxidative stress and aging in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.' Pp. 81-110 in: Oxidative Stress in Aging. Eds, S. Miwa, K. Beckman, F. Muller. Humana Press (2008). (download pdf file)

J.J. McElwee, E. Schuster, E. Blanc, M.D. Piper, J.H. Thomas, D.S. Patel, C. Selman, D.J. Withers, J.M. Thornton, L. Partridge, D. Gems. 'Evolutionarily conservation of regulated longevity assurance mechanisms.' Genome Biology (2007) 8, R132. (download pdf file)

D. McCulloch, D. Gems. 'Sex-specific effects of the DAF-12 steroid receptor on aging in Caenorhabditis elegans.' Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences (2007) 1119: 253-259. (download pdf file).

J.M. Toivonen, G. Walker, P. Martinez, I. Bjedov, Y. Driege, D. Gems, L. Partridge. 'No Influence of Indy on lifespan in Drosophila after correction for genetic and cytoplasmic background effects.' PLoS Genetics (2007) 3, e95. (download pdf file)

T.M. Bass, D. Weinkove, K. Houthoofd, D. Gems L. Partridge. 'Effects of resveratrol on lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster and Caenorhabditis elegans.' Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2007) 128: 546-52. (download pdf file)

A. Garza-Garcia, D.S. Patel, D. Gems, P.C. Driscoll. 'A web-based resource to aid comparative and functional analysis of the insulin and IGF-1 receptor family.' Human Mutation (2007) 28, 660-668. (download pdf file)

L. Partridge, D. Gems. 'Benchmarks for ageing studies.' Nature. (2007) 450: 165-167. (download pdf file)

D. Gems. 'Long-lived dwarf mice: Are bile acids a longevity signal?' Aging Cell (2007) 6, 421-423. (download pdf file)

K. Houthoofd, D. Gems, T.E. Johnson, J.R. Vanfleteren. 'Dietary restriction in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.' In: 'Mechanisms of Dietary Restriction in Aging and Disease.' Interdisciplinary Topics in Gerontology. Eds. C.V. Mobbs, K. Yen, P.R. Hof. Karger (Basel) (2007) 35, 98-114.

T. Vellai, D. McCulloch, D. Gems and A.L. Kovacs. 'Effects of sex and insulin/IGF-1 signaling on performance in an associative learning paradigm in Caenorhabditis elegans.' Genetics (2006) 174, 309-316. (download pdf file)

C. Selman, N.D. Kerrison, A. Cooray, Matthew D.W. Piper, S.J. Lingard, R.H. Barton, D. Gems, J.K. Nicholson, J.M. Thornton, L. Partridge, D.J. Withers. 'Coordinated multi-tissue transcriptional and plasma metabonomic profiles following acute caloric restriction in mice.' Physiological Genomics (2006) 27, 187-200. (download pdf file)

M.P. Gardner, D. Gems and M.E. Viney. 'Extraordinary plasticity in aging in Strongyloides ratti implies a gene-regulatory mechanism of lifespan evolution.' Aging Cell (2006) 5, 315-323. (download pdf file)

L. Partridge and D. Gems. 'Beyond the evolutionary theory of ageing: from functional genomics to evo-gero.' Trends in Ecology and Evolution (2006) 21, 334-340. (download pdf file)

M. Gardner, M. Viney and D. Gems. 'Aging in Strongyloides ratti' In: 'Handbook of models for human aging', Academic Press/Elsevier (2006) pp. 229-239. (download pdf file)

D. Gems. 'The biology of ageing: The Achilles heel of diseases of ageing?'' In: Wellcome Focus on Ageing (2006) 42-43. (download pdf file)(download pdf file)

J.J. McElwee, E. Schuster, E. Blanc, J. Thornton and D. Gems. 'Diapause-associated metabolic traits reiterated in long-lived daf-2 mutants in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.' Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2006) 127, 458-472. (download pdf file Note that this download is a published erratum of the full paper with higher resolution figures; Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2006) 127, 922-936)

D. Weinkove, J.R. Halstead, D. Gems and N. Divecha. 'Long-term starvation and ageing induce PI 3-kinase-dependent translocation of DAF-16/FOXO to the cytoplasm.' BMC Biology (2006) 4, 1.

D. Gems. 'Extreme makeover - a whole new you?' Times Higher Education Supplement (2005) August 19th, pp. 18-19. (download pdf file). A fuller version of this article, 'Plus ultra. Or: To enhance, or not to enhance?' is available here.

M. Nanji, N. Hopper and D. Gems. 'LET-60 RAS modulates effects of insulin/IGF-1 signaling on development and aging in Caenorhabditis elegans.' Aging Cell (2005) 4, 235-245. (download pdf file)

(Article about the Green Theory of ageing) J. Turney. 'Growing old grungily.' New Scientist (2005) 14th May, 44-45. (download pdf file)

G. Walker, K. Houthoofd, J.R. Vanfleteren and D. Gems. 'Dietary restriction in C. elegans: From rate-of-living effects to nutrient sensing pathways.' Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2005) 126, 929-937. (download pdf file)

L. Partridge, D. Gems and D. Withers. 'Sex and death: What's the connection?' Cell (2005) 120 461-472. (download pdf file)

D. Gems and J.J. McElwee. 'Broad spectrum detoxification: the major longevity assurance process regulated by insulin/IGF-1 signaling?'. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2005) 126, 381-387. (download pdf file)

P. Brakefield, D. Gems, T. Cowen, K. Cristensen, B. Grubeck-Loebenstein, L. Keller, J. Oeppen, A. Rodriguez-Pena, M.A. Stazi, M. Tatar. 'What are the effects of maternal and pre-adult environments on aging in man, and are there lessons from animal models?' Mechanisms of Ageing and Development (2005) 126 431-438. (download pdf file)

D. Gems. 'My favourite paper.' Genetics Society News (2005) 52, 53-55. (download pdf file)

J. J. McElwee, E. Schuster, E. Blanc, J.H. Thomas and D. Gems. 'Shared transcriptional signature in C. elegans dauer larvae and long-lived daf-2 mutant adults implicates detoxification system in longevity assurance.' Journal of Biological Chemistry (2004) 279, 44533-44543. (download pdf file)

M. Gardner, D. Gems and M. Viney. ''Aging in a very short-lived nematode.' Experimental Gerontology (2004) 39, 1267-1276. (download pdf file)

A.J. Hulbert, D.J. Clancy, W. Mair, B.P. Braeckman, D. Gems, L. Partridge. 'Metabolic rate is not reduced by dietary-restriction or by lowered insulin/IGF-1 signalling and is not correlated with individual lifespan in Drosophila melanogaster.' Experimental Gerontology (2004) 39, 1137-1143.

M. Keaney, F. Matthijssens, M. Sharpe, J.R. Vanfleteren and D. Gems. 'Superoxide dismutase mimetics elevate SOD activity in vivo but do not retard aging in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.' Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2004) 37, 239-250. (download pdf file)

D. Gems. 'Whither ageing?' Wellcome News (2004) Issue 38. (download pdf file)

D. McCulloch and D. Gems. 'Evolution of male longevity bias in nematodes.' Aging Cell (2003) 2, 165-173. (download pdf file)

D. McCulloch and D. Gems. 'Body size, insulin/IGF signalling and aging in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.' Experimental Gerontology (2003). 38, 129-136. (download pdf file)

M. Keaney and D. Gems. 'No increase in life span in Caenorhabditis elegans upon treatment with the superoxide dismutase mimetic EUK-8 .' Free Radical Biology and Medicine (2003), 34, 277-282.

D. Gems. 'Is more life always better?' Hasting Center Report (2003) 33, 31-39. (download pdf file)

D. Gems and J. J. McElwee. 'Microarraying mortality.' Nature (News and Views)(2003) 424, 259-260.

D. Gems. 'Geneticist.' In: Scientists' Diaries. Ed. J. Turney. Gulbenkian Foundation (2003) 114-127.

S.M. Haslam. D. Gems, H.R. Morris and A. Dell. 'The glycome of Caenorhabditis elegans and other model organisms.' Biochemical Society Symposium. 69 (2002), 117-134.

D. Gems, S. Pletcher and L. Partridge. 'Interpreting interactions between treatments affecting lifespan.' Aging Cell (2002) 1, 1-9. (download pdf file)

L. Partridge and D. Gems. 'A lethal side-effect.' Nature (2002) 418, 921.

L. Partridge and D. Gems. 'The Evolution of Longevity.' Current Biology (2002) 12, R544-R546.

D. Gems, 'Nematode worms and clues for human longevity.' In: New Research into the Treatment of Cancer and Age Related Disease. Institute of Nanotechnology (2002), pp. 44-47.

D. Clancy, D. Gems, E. Hafen, S.J. Leevers and L. Partridge. 'Dietary restriction in long-lived dwarf flies.' Science (2002) 296, 319. Ibid. (2002) 2141-2142 (correspondence).

L. Partridge and D. Gems . ''Mechanisms of ageing: Private or public?' Nature Reviews Genetics (2002) 3, 165-175.

D. Gems. 'Ageing.' In 'The Biology of Nematodes', Taylor and Francis (2002) chapter 17, 413-456 (Ed. D.L. Lee).

D. Gems and L. Partridge. 'Insulin/IGF signalling and ageing: seeing the bigger picture.' Current Opinions in Genetics and Development (2001) 11, 287-292.

D. Clancy, D. Gems, S.J. Leevers, S. Oldham, H. Stocker, E. Hafen, L. Harshman and L. Partridge. 'Extension of life span by loss of CHICO, a Drosophila insulin receptor substrate protein.' Science (2001) 292, 104-106.

D. Gems. 'Yeast longevity gene goes 'public'. Nature (News and Views) (2001) 410, 154-155.

D. Gems. 'Genes and ageing: Beyond good and evil in the senescent cell.' Trends in Biotechnology (2001) 19, 83-84.

D. Gems 'Longevity and ageing in parasitic and free-living nematodes.' Biogerontology (2000) 1, 289-307. (download pdf file)

D. Gems. 'An integrated theory of aging in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans.'Journal of Anatomy (2000) 197, 521-528.

D. Gems and D.L Riddle.'Defining wild-type life span in Caenorhabditis elegans.' Journal of Gerontology A Biol Sci Med Sci. (2000) 55,B215-B219.

D. Gems and D.L Riddle. 'Genetic, behavioral and environmental determinants of male longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans.'Genetics (2000) 154, 1597-1610.

D. Gems. 'Nematode ageing: putting metabolic theories to the test.' Current Biology (1999) 9, R614-R616.

D. Gems. 'Enhancing human traits: ethical and social implications.' Nature (1999) 396, 222-223.

D. Gems. 'Politically correct eugenics.' Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics (1999) 20, 199-211.

D. Gems. 'PIHKAL, TIHKAL' Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics (1999) 20, 477-479.

D. Gems, A.J. Sutton, M.L. Sundermeyer, P.S. Albert, K.V. King , M.L. Edgley, P.L. Larsen and D.L Riddle. 'Two pleiotropic classes of daf-2 mutation affect larval arrest, reproduction and longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans.' Genetics (1998) 150, 129-155.

D. Gems and D.L. Riddle. 'Longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans reduced by mating but not gamete production.' Nature (1996) 379, 723-725.

D. Gems and R.M. Maizels. 'An abundantly expressed mucin-like protein from Toxocara canis infective larvae: the precursor of the TES-120 surface coat glycoproteins.' Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (1996) 93, 1665-1670.

A.Aleksenko, D. Gems and A.J. Clutterbuck. 'Multiple copies of MATE elements support autonomous plasmid replication in Aspergillus nidulans.' Molecular Microbiology (1996) 20 (2), 427-434.

D. Gems, C.J. Ferguson, B.D. Robertson, R. Nievos, A.P. Page, M.L. Blaxter and R.M. Maizels. 'An abundant, trans-spliced mRNA from Toxocara canis infective larvae encodes 26-kDa cuticular protein with homology to phosphatidylethanolamine binding proteins.' Journal of Biological Chemistry (1995) 270, 18517-18522.

D. Gems, A. Aleksenko, L. Belenky, S. Robertson, Y. Vinetski and A.J. Clutterbuck. 'An 'instant gene bank' method for gene cloning by complementation.' Molecular and General Genetics (1994) 242, 467-471.

D. Gems and A.J. Clutterbuck. '"Enhancers of medA conidiation mutants of Aspergillus nidulans.' Genetics (1994) 137, 79-85.

R.M. Maizels, D. Gems and A.P. Page. 'Synthesis and secretion of TES antigens from Toxocara canis infective larvae.' In 'Toxocara and Toxocariasis: Clinical, Epidemiological and Molecular Perspectives', (1993) pp 16.1-16.10.

R.M. Maizels, M.L. Blaxter, E. Cookson, D. Gems and A.P. Page. 'Forms and functions of nematode surfaces.' Journal of Cellular Biochemistry (1993) S17C, 94.

D. Gems and A.J. Clutterbuck. 'Cotransformation with autonomously replicating helper plasmids facilitates gene cloning from an Aspergillus nidulans gene library.' Current Genetics (1993) 24, 520-524.

A.J. Clutterbuck, D. Gems and S. Robertson. 'Uses and analyses of the ARp1 Aspergillus replicating plasmid.' In: 'Industrial Microorganisms: Basic and Applied Molecular Genetics', (1993) pp 27-30 (Eds. R.H. Baltz, G.D. Hegerman and P.L. Skatrud).

A.J. Clutterbuck, D. Gems and S. Robertson. 'The ARp1 replicating plasmid.' In 'BMS/FEMS Symposium on Aspergillus.', Canterbury (1993).

D. Gems, I.L. Johnstone and A.J. Clutterbuck. 'An autonomously replicating plasmid transforms Aspergillus nidulansat high frequency.' Gene (1991) 98, 61-67.


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