Born in Schweinfurt, Bavaria, south Germany, in 1992, Chris developped a keen interest in sports, crafting and science after completion of many a construction kit and joining the local tennis club.
There was a lot of moving to come but this being the first time, he quickly had to adjust to make friends in his new home in Mettmann, west Germany. He joined the school football team, maths society and local badminton club.
Welcome to Ireland! After much excitement, Chris left the secureness of home and travelled to a small green island in hopes of learning Gaelic. Little did he know that the main focus was on English on the emerald island and the boarding school he attended where he completed his school studies.
Decisive in his opinion to stay in Ireland but undecisive in what science to study, he enrolled into a general science entry course at UCD with a focus on Biochemisty but decided after one year to switch and study something simpler, Theoretical Physcis.
Completing his bachelor of physics with a publication, Chris decided it was time for a new challenge and left for London and his interdisciplinary Masters in UCL. This led to excursions of applying fluid mechanics to blood flow in a coarctation patient (simulation) and investigating miRNA in the USA.