Ian Robinson Group

SUPER Diffractometer Control Program

Notes on Six-circle modes comparison of Spec and SUPER conventions, including names of the angles.

Notes on setting an orientation matrix for the spec sixc inplementation at 34-ID-C

Notes by Don Walko on simple spec commands for use at 7-ID

SUPER manual scanned copy from old Unix version. Written by Robert Fleming of AT&T Bell Labs

Surface X-ray Diffraction: Appendix C - Super Command Format I. K. Robinson, from chapter 10 in Methods in Materials Research: Current Protocols, A. M. Goldman editor, Wiley, out of print (2000)

Details of orientation matrix algebra for lsq refinement from Chinkyo Kim's PhD thesis, Urbana (1998)

Download the DOS executable version 12.1 from 6/2003 compiled with the microsoft C5.1 compiler. You can run this with a command prompt or inside DOS-BOX .

Download the Super.bat file which should be in the same folder as the executable. You will need to edit the paths inside.

Installation instructions: i) adjust the paths in Super.bat to point to the local directory ii) create empty parameter files sup_vars and sup_init iii) type "super".

Useful commands/hints for working with orientation matrices:

ega=1 activates color screens

inv toggles inversion of the lattice parameters from real to reciprocal space. SUPER only allows entry of reciprocal space parameters, as=value, bs, cs, al, be, ga, etc

frz 6 changes to 6-circle calculation mode. See Notes on Six-circle modes

frz 5 changes to 5-circle calculation mode

frz phi changes to 4-circle calculation mode with phi constraint

frz chi changes to 4-circle calculation mode with chi constraint

frz om changes to 4-circle calculation mode with omega constraint

om toggles between lattice parameters known/unknown

nobs=n does lsq refinemnent of first n orientation reflections (when lattice parameters unknown)