

Cadmium Oxide

Crystal: CdO

Structure: NaCl

Usually nonstoichiometric with Cd in excess: n-type deg. semiconductor; see Refs.1-3




Cohesive energy:


Lattice parameter:





Stiffness constants: in 1011 dynes/cm2, at room temperature





Compressibility (in 1011 dynes/cm2): 1.32*1012 (Ref.4) ?? Also: 0.88*1012 (Ref.5) ??


Poisson ratio:


Debye temperature: 279 K

Melting temperature: ° C


Phonon spectrum discussed by:


Transverse optic phonon T0 (k=0): 262±3 cm-1

Longitude optic phonon L0 (k=0): 478±25 cm-1

Plasma frequency: ~2400 cm-1 (this low energy must correspond to some specific carrier density; the bulk plasmon will be much higher)


Gruneissen constant:

Ratio e*/e:


Photoelastic constants:






Band gap:

direct: 2.28 eV. at 100 ° K. for G 1, G 15 (Ref.6)

indirect: 0.84 eV. at 100K. for G 1-S 3 (Ref.6), 1.09 eV. at 100K. for G 1-L3 (Ref.6)


Gap: eV.

First exciton: eV.

Plasmon (eV.): 22.8 (bulk) (Ref.7), 15.9 (surface)


Band structure :

UV reflectance data:

J.L. Freeouf, Far Ultraviolet reflectance of II-IV compounds and correlation with the Penn-Philips Gap, Phys. Rev. B7, 3810 (1973)


Self cons. band structure:

J.C. Boettger, A.B. Kunz, Ab initio energy bands for CdO, Phys. Rev. B27, 1359 (1983)


Static dielectric constant: 18.1±2.5

Optic dielectric constant: 5.4

m = 2.49 (Winchell & Winchell)

e (¥ )= 6.2


Electron mobility:

Hole mobility:

Polaron coupling constant: a = ~1.02 ( for m*=1 )

Effective mass: conduction band:

valence band:


Electron affinity: ( in eV., from bottom of conduction band under vacuum)


Spin-orbit coupling: ( valence band)


Cation polarisation: Å-3

Anion polarisation: Å-3



Other information:


CdO: x-ray analysis of ionicity:

Radii: Cd 1.24±0.05 Å O 1.25±0.05 Å

Charge: Cd (+1.7±0.2)½ e½

Ref.: E. Rantavuori, M. Linkoaho and R. Kuoppala, The ionicity of CdO by x-ray powder diffraction at 80K, Phys. Scripta 16, 161 (1977)





1. H. Finkenrath, W. Waidelich, Der Einfluss der Gitterschwingungen auf die Ultrarot-Reflexion von CdO, Sol. St. Comm. 5, 875 (1967)


2. Sol. St.Comm. 7, 11 (1969)


3. K.H. Rieder, M. Ishigarne and L. Genzei, Infrared absorption by coupled surface-phonon-surface-plasmon modes in microcrystals of CdO, Phys. Rev. B6, 3804 (1972)


4. Parodi


5. Lewiz, Perey (1966)


6. F. Koffyberg Thermoreflectance spectra of CdO: Band gaps and band population effects, Phys .Rev. B13, 4470 (1976)


7. R.L. Hengehold, F.L. Pedrotti, Plasmon excitation energies in ZnO, CdO, MgO, J. Appl. Phys. 47, 287 (1976)
