London Mathematical Society Midlands Regional Meeting

Loughborough University, Friday 20 April, 2007

followed by a

Workshop on Tropical Geometry

Department of Mathematical Sciences
Loughborough University

List of participants

Organisers: Rod Halburd, Alexander Veselov and Alexey Bolsinov.


10:30 - 10:45: Arrival; poster display

10:45 - 12:00: LMS business meeting;
Frances Kirwan ( Oxford)
Non-reductive group actions and symplectic implosion

12:00 - 13:30: Lunch

13:30 - 14:30: Yves Colin de Verdière (Grenoble)
On localisation of Laplace eigenfunctions: recent progress and open problems

14:30 - 15:00: Tea and coffee

15:00 - 16:00: Oleg Viro (St Petersburg)
The 16th Hilbert problem: a story of mystery, mistakes and solution

16:00 - 17:00: Mark Gross (San Diego)
Affine geometry, tropical geometry, and mirror symmetry

17:00 - 18:30: Poster session and wine reception


All talks will be in room W001 in the Sir David Davies Building at Loughborough University. This is building W at the western end of campus and contains the Department of Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Physics.

Information for PhD students

The LMS has provided special funding for the participation of UK PhD students. Students are encouraged to submit a poster to the poster session, which will take place after the last talk of the meeting. A prize will be awarded for the best poster. Interested students should contact the organisers.

How to get to Loughborough

Here you can find a map of the campus of Loughborough University and some general instructions on how to reach the university.

For those arriving by train, there is normally a good taxi service. Alternatively, a bus shuttle service departs from Loughborough Station every 10 minutes (Kinchbus No 7.) The bus stops in the Town Centre outside the Griffin Inn at the top of Market Street and continues past the School of Art and Design (LUSAD) entering the University campus on Epinal Way. It travels along University Road, which bisects the campus along its length, and turns near the Department of Mechanical Engineering (which is just 50 m. from our Department) to return to the Rail Station by the same route.

If you arrive by car, the easiest way to reach the campus by car is via the M1, exit at junction 23; take the A512 towards Loughborough, and at the first roundabout go right and then left. The first building you come to is the Sir David Davies Building , which hosts the Mathematical Sciences and the Department of Physics.

Alternatively, if you arrive through Loughborough town center, take the A512 heading South: this passes on the side of the campus (the science and engineering buildings are the furthest from the town center). Turn left at the "British Gas roundabout" and then left as above.

Supported by
The London Mathematical Society,
Centre for Nonlinear Mathematics and Applications and
Loughborough University.

E-mail contacts


Accommodation in the Loughborough area

For more information contact Rod Halburd

Department of Mathematical Sciences | Loughborough University