UCL Colloquium Schedule
Tuesday, 14 January 2024, 4-5pm Location: A1/3 Physics Building (
Google Maps location)
Speaker: Francis Brown (Oxford)
Title: Graph homology, Voronoi complexes and values of the zeta function.
I will introduce each of the three classical topics in the title from a completely elementary point of view. Even though they lie in distant fields of mathematics, namely combinatorics, differential geometry and number theory, they are very closely related by some deep theorems and conjectures.
Wednesday, 22 January 2024, 4-5pm Location: Harrie Massey LT (
Google Maps location)
Internal Colloquium
Speaker: Philip Pearce (UCL)
Title: Multi-scale mathematical modelling of biological systems
Biological tissues typically consist of many cells, which interact physically and chemically. Theoretical models for such systems can use a discrete approach, in which each cell is resolved explicitly, or a continuum approach, in which tissue dynamics are captured via coarse-grained or macroscopic variables that usually satisfy partial differential equations. In this talk I'll give some recent examples of models for biological systems that combine these approaches to understand how cell properties and dynamics affect biological function. I will focus on two applications, one in microbiology (chemotaxis of swarms) and one in physiology (blood flow in sickle cell disease); in both cases the macroscopic dynamics can be modelled using the framework of fluid mechanics..
Tuesday, 25 February 2024, 4-5pm Location: A1/3 Physics Building
Google Maps location)
Speaker: Sung Jin Oh (Berkeley)
TBD, 4-5pm Location: TBD (
You'll find the old colloquium schedules