
EGA Institute for Women's Health


Art & Craft






Techniques and safe


BiRth at 

Full dilation



ART & CRAFT is a course aimed at senior Obstetrics and Gynaecology trainees to boost skills and confidence in rotational vaginal birth.


Open to: senior obstetric trainees, consultants, senior midwives

Cost: £120 – lunch and refreshments provided

Location: Fetal Medicine Unit (FMU), 1st floor of EGA Wing of University College London, 25 Grafton Way, London, WC1E 6DB

About the course

ART & CRAFT is a one-day training course in advanced rotational methods and safe caesarean birth at advanced/full dilation training.

Join the course

Open to: senior obstetric trainees, consultants, senior midwives

Next course: Saturday 10th May 9am - 5pm

Why attend?

The course covers:

  • neonatal perspectives
  • patient experiences of assisted vaginal birth (AVB)
  • The patient who declines assisted vaginal birth

Practical stations:

  • Ultrasound determination of fetal position
  • Impacted fetal head
  • Rotational instrumental delivery including Kielland’s
  • Exciting cutting edge research updates!
Example timetable

Please note, adjustments are made to the timetable for each course.

Session 1

Consent to assisted vaginal birth

Communication with patient and partner, and discussing options with patients who declines assisted vaginal birth

Neonatal perspective

Session 2

Ultrasound scan for fetal position (small groups)

Session 3

Fully dilated caesarean birth and impacted fetal head

Disimpaction station

Session 4

Small groups for practical stations:

Kielland’s rotational forceps Rotational ventouse Manual rotation

Session 5

Current research

Session 6

Opportunity for attendees to practise any rotational methods

Feeback from previous course (November 2022)

“Very helpful in options for rotation”

“Gave me more confidence with examination and manual rotation. Great to get hands on practice with Kiellands too”

I’ve improved my confidence, and this was exactly what I was expecting - thank you very, very much”

“The hands on part was very informative”

Course organisers 

Co-leads: Prof Dimitrios Siassakos, Dr Dawn Parris

Course Administrator: Carla Logon-Bishop 


Mr George Attilakos

Dr Amrita Banerjee

Dr Brian Dromey

Dr Jessica Ellis

Miss Shaimaa Ibrahim

Dr Shireen Jaufuraully

Dr Tamara Kubba

Mr Raffaele Napolitano

Dr Chiara Petrosellini

Maureen Treadwell

Miss Guldzhan Vorona

Dhanuson Dharmasena

Laborie (Kiwi) Representative