
EGA Institute for Women's Health



Algorithm for Neonatal Seizure Recognition (ANSeR) 

ANSER group

An output of the algorithm is a graph of the probability of seizure (upper blue trace) which turns red when a predefined threshold is breeched and a seizure is designated.

The ANSeR program

The focus of research at UCL (Sean Mathieson) is analyzing the performance of ANSeR from a neurophysiological perspective including: the characteristics of detected and non-detected seizures, the effect of phenobarbitone on seizure morphology and on the performance of ANSeR and also whether the use of ANSeR improves drug treatment times.


Institute for Women’s Health, UCL
Dr Janet Rennie (Lead researcher) 
Sean Mathieson (Research Associate) 
Cork University Maternity Hospital
Prof. Geraldine Boylan (group leader)
Dr Liam Marnane (PI ANSeR, physicist)
Dr Nathan Stevenson (Physicist)
Dr Andrey Temko (Physicist)
Dr Vicky Livingstone (Biostatistician)

For full list see ANSeR website.


The ANSeR project is funded by the Wellcome Trust.


Contact us

Dr Janet Rennie
E: janet.rennie@uclh.nhs.uk
Sean Mathieson
E: sean.mathieson@uclh.nhs.uk