- National Institute for Health Research HTA 2019-21:
Chronic endometritis & miscarriage: the role of the endometrial microbiome: £164,190 - National Institute for Health Research HTA 2018-23
Policy Research Unit in Maternal and Neonatal Health and Care: £4,999,119
The UCL group will lead or contribute to studies concerning: safe delivery of maternity care, effective multidisciplinary teamwork, patient experience of complicated birth, better care and outcomes for bereaved parents, preventing intrapartum stillbirths and involving parents in hospital investigations - National Institute for Health Research HTA 2018-21
Mode of delivery for preterm infants (CASSAVA): £310,000 - National Institute for Health Research 2017-20
Core Outcome Set for Bereavement Care Research (iCHOOSE): £367,000 - National Institute for Health Research HTA 2017-21
COPE: The Carboprost or Oxytocin Postpartum haemorrhage study: £1,860,000 - Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership, 2016-19: Development of tool to facilitate standardised perinatal mortality reviews (PMRT): £1,000,000
- Australian Government National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC), 2017-22: Stillbirth Research Excellence Centre: AUS $2,500,000
- Health Foundation 2016-18:
Parents’ Active Role & ENgagement in Their Stillbirth/perinatal death review (PARENTS): £73,119 - Health Foundation 2017-18:
STROBE study: The Simulation Training for Operative Birth – Evaluation (STROBE) Study: £73,242 - Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), 2016-20:
ESRC Collaborative Doctoral Award: Teamwork in Real-life obstetric emergencies (TREAT): £100,000