
EGA Institute for Women's Health


Human Factors

Studies of human-human and human-computer/technology interaction aiming to optimise individual and team care


 Leadership & Team Dynamics - TREAT

The Group will co-supervise with Prof Ann Blandford (UCL Institute for Digital Health) a Post-doctoral Research Fellow position in the Wellcome / EPSRC Centre for Interventional and Surgical Sciences (WEISS) to investigate clinical needs and practices, including cognition (how new tools change the ways that the clinical team comprehend their task), interaction (how teams engage with innovative technologies, and how those technologies can seamlessly support work), and work (how new technologies fit within and transform work and the roles of team members).  


Leadership and Team Dynamics - TREAT, IfWH
An ESRC-funded study, in collaboration with the University of Warwick, of enacted teamwork and leadership when faced with real-life obstetric emergencies, to identify teachable behaviours associated with better perinatal outcome.



Teamwork and Innovative Technologies 

Leadership and Team Dynamics - TREAT, IfWH
In collaboration with WEISS, we will triangulate linguistic and social science approaches with Artificial Intelligence and computerised analysis of team dynamics and interaction.